Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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author'S preface.

a dawn of hope appears that Egypt, now so
vilely degraded, abandoned to plunderers and
barbarians, may at length recover the lustre which
once distinguished her among the nations of the
globe. Transferred into the possession of a peo-
ple as renowned as that which was once the boast
of antiquity, this celebrated country, which ages
of unrelenting destruction have completely dis-
guised, will re-assume her departed glory. The
men as well as the soil; the territory as well as
its inhabitants, are hastening to wear a new as-
pect : and the period is at hand when Egypt shall
no longer be what she lately was.

It could not, then, be uninteresting to exhibit
a view of Egypt such as the French shall have
found it; to depict the manners of the different
tribes who inhabited it, and among whom civi-