Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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which produce that spirituous and high-flavoured
liquor, excess in which has, oftener than once,
conducted the drinker to the hot bath.

We wished likewise to look at Montpellier,
and made that excursion along the finest road I
ever saw in France.

At last time pressed our return to the coast of
Provence, and we resolved to go by sea. We
agreed for our passage with the master of one of the
tartans then in the port of Cette. As we waited,
at our inn, for the hour fixed for sailing, the master
arrived, out of breath, to inform us, that M. the
commandant of the city desired our attendance at
his house, where several other persons, who were
to embark on board the same tartan, had already
assembled. He signified to me that M. the com-
mandant was highly displeased with me in parti-
cular, because that being an officer, 1 was leaving
Cette without his permission.

Though it was in my power to have refused sub-
mission to a pretension so singular, we went to the
commandant's. He was an officer of invalids, his
name Querelle (Quarrel). Immediately addressing
himself to me, he said : " I am astonished, Sir, that
ee you have not paid me a visit; I would have in-
" vited you to eat soup with me."—" Sir," replied

I, "you