Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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that which composes the rest of the islands of
Malta and Gozzi: this is occasioned by the dis-
tillation of the waters, which, in passing through
that rock, carry along with them the lighter par-
ticles of it. The colours of the alabaster of Malta
vary, according to the districts where it is found;
but they are always a mixture of yellow, gray, and
blackish. It admits of a fine polish. I have seen
very beautiful tables and large corner-buffets of it
in the palace of the grand-master.

The species of lichen proper for furnishing the
die known by the name of orsilla herba, generally
grows on rocks bathed by the sea*. The grand-
master proposed to take up with spirit this new
branch of commerce in his island, for which it is
indebted to the exertions and the researches of
citizen Dolomieux.

The sea on the coasts of Malta furnish in abun-
dance various species of fishes. The natives set a
hib.: value on a sort which they call accola, and the
French thon Marie (the white tunny). I never had
it in my power to ascertain its genus with preci-
sion, having seen it only when dressed for the
table ; it does not attain the size of the common
tunny, but its flesh is whiter, and likewise more

* Fucus verrucosus iiiiciorixs. Toili nef. Inst. Rei herb.—Lic/ien
rcxella. Lin.
