Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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to render little susceptible of the gentler affections
of the soul, you met with beings sensible and com-

I had occasion to return twice afterwards to an-
cient Crete : the observations which I made there,
will naturally find their place in my Travels through-
Greece, which will immediately follow the present
publication. On the other hand, the pages of my
journal, which contained the passage from the bay
to Suda to Alexandria, are lost; but I recollect
perfectly, that they contained no detail of much
importance, We made a short stop at Paleo-
Castro, on cape Solomon, the easternmost point
of the isle of Candia. This is a region destitute of
every species of habitation, except the huts of
shepherds. The sight of a ship of war, accom-
panied by a felucca, made us pass, in the imagi-
nation of those harmless swains, for a Maltese
armament; they took to flight with their flocks
into the interior of the island, and abandoned to
us a coast which our very appearance had in an
instant converted into a desert. It did not require
much time to waft us to Alexandria, and a few
days were sufficient *o convey us to the low and
fandy shores of Egypt.