Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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loaded the productions of European arts and ma-
nufacture. A geographical position of such high
importance could not escape the genius of Alex-
ander. Amidst the rapidity of his conquests he per-
ceived, that in this place might be erected the the-
atre of mutual communication with all nations,
and suddenly he presented Alexandria to the ad-
miration and to the commerce of mankind. Dino-
erates had traced the plan of it under the eyes of
Alexander, and superintended the execution of it.
He was one of those men of vast and bold concep-
tions, whom Nature is frugal in shewing to the
world. History has transmitted to us a remark-
able and characteristic trait of his genius. With
a design to perpetuate the name and glory of the
greatest of conquerors, by a monument that should
last for ever, he had proposed to consecrate to this
purpose a part of the globe itself; by cutting an
enormous mountain, Mount Athos, into a statue of
him that should never be removed, having the solid
earth for its basis; a work that must have effaced
all the prodigies which even Egypt has produced.
Sublime idea ! It renders the artist worthy of rank-
ing with his hero.

With an Alexander to order the plan of a city,
and a Dinocrates to carry it into execution, some
conception may be formed how grand and mag-
nificent this city must have been. The kings of
