Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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village adjacent thought proper to accuse him of
having occasioned the death of a young man who
had drowned himself, and whose body they were
dragging out of the water. An accusation so ab-
surd was supported by the whole village. The cry
for vengeance was universal. They sent a deputa-
tion to the Pacha of Aleppo, demanding that the
Dutchman might be given up to thera. The go-
vernor refused. The villagers stirred up the popu-
lace of Aleppo. A formidable mob threatened to
set fire to the city, and to massacre all the Francs,
unless the drogman, w ho had fled for refuge to the
Pacha's palace, was delivered up to them. That
officer, though perfectly convinced of the Dutch-
man's innocence, was obliged, in order $o prevent
the most dreadful outrages, to order the ill-fated
European to be strangled, and his body to be given
to the mutineers, who hanged it up on a tree.

The picture which I have just presented of the
manners of the inhabitants of modern Alexandria,
gloomy as it may be, is by no means overcharged.
I have painted them such as 1 have seen them. I
might appeal, in support of what I have said, to
the testimony of the most respectable travellers, and
especially to that of the Europeans whom public
employments, commercial speculations, or curio-
sity, may have induced to reside any length of time
