Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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discovered ia the family of thejerbo. But (he first
result which I have obtained from an attentive ex-
amination, and accurate descriptions of several of
those animals, has ascertained to me, that there
existed but one variety of them in Egypt, where
they are multiplied without end. In fact, among
all those which 1 have observed at different times
and in different places, I never remarked the least
dissimilitude of either form or colour.

For the facility of pronunciation, I shall dis-
tinguish this gerboise of Egypt, by the name of
jerbo, under which Buffon has given a description
of it *, though its real name, its Arabic name, be
jerboa. It is a mistake in Hasselquitz, which Bruce
has likewise corrected to say that the Arabs call
it garbuka \.

That travellers, unacquainted with natural his-
tory, and consequently without taste for observa-

* Natural History of Quadrupeds, art. Gerboise.—Lepus
cauda elongatd. Lin. Syst. Nat. edit. 9. Mus jaculus, ibid. edit. ia.
Dipus jaculus, ibid. edit. 13.—Mus jaculus pedibus posticis longissi-
mis, caudd cxtremi villosd. Hasselquitz, Travels in Palestine,
vol. ii. p. 6, and Mem. of the Acad, of Upsal, 1750, p. 17.—r
Cerbo. Cornelius Le Bruyn's Travels, p. 406.—Gerboise. Paul
Lucas, Travels, vol. ii. p. 73.—Jetboa. Shaw's Voyage, p. 248,
—The two-footed mouse of the mountains, called by the Ara-
bizns jerbo. Michae'lis, quest. 92, &c. &c.

•f Travels in Nubia and Abyssinia, vol. v. ijr,

J Hasselquitz, in the place above quoted.
