Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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transported lo his own country. But he died be-
fore he had an opportunity of executing his design ;
and from that time to the present, the statue has
remained in a state of exposure to the shocks of
bales of merchandise, which are incessantly moved
about in the court, and which bad even mutilated
it, without exciting any concern either to preserve
it, or to convey it to its place of destination, where
assuredly it would have met with a cordial recep-
tion. The genius of destruction must have domi-
neered with unbounded sway over regions bestrewed
with the dismal effects of her power, seeing it had
forced a passage into the enclosure dedicated to the
use of a civilized nation.

Thelodging apartments are over the warehouses;
the casements are of consequence very lofty, and a
single gate, of great solidity, shuts in this vast range
of building. They farther strengthen it, on tumul-
tuous emergencies, by bales piled a-top of each
other. If the commotion did not subside, and there
was ground of apprehension that the populace would
break in, all the inhabitants of the factory slid down
from the windows in the night-time, and fled for
refuge on board of some vessel,

In former times there was only a vice consul at
the head of this establishment; but M. Tott, in
the course of his inspection, had recalled the consul

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