Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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scenes which were passing around us. We had
taken care to range our mules apart, and could
resume them at pleasure. A complete hour was
wasted in rectifying a disorder which might easily
have been prevented ; and this observation is not
foreign to the purpose : it proves that in travel-
ling, as in military expeditions, order and atten-
tion are equally indispensable, and that by neglect-
ing them, inconveniences are sometimes incurred
still greater than even that ofthe loss of precious time-

We arrived at Rossetta at six o'clock in the
morning, and slept till dinner-time, without mind-
ing the preparations going forward under the direc-
tion of a capuchin almoner, for celebrating a solemn
mass, which was to be followed by a Te Deum. In
the afternoon we set off for Cairo with the same
rapidity; remained almost continually close shut
up in that city for a month, and returned to
Rossetta with the same speed that we left it. This
is what our gentlemen of bon ton call travelling.
They return afterwards to Europe, to reason with
assurance on every gubject, and sometimes to write
of, and to describe, objects which they never saw.

It is, moreover, the custom to travel between
Alexandria and Rossetta in the night-time, in order
to escape the sultry heat of a burning sun. But
devoted, for a long series of years, to pursue my
