Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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nothing strains in the Oriental garb; and, after
having worn it tor some time, you become sensible
how incommodious are the strictures of our narrow
and scanty apparel, and you find the resumption
of it uneasy. My draughtsman and my two
French attendants had, in like manner, changed
their garments ; but they wore a habit less ample
and more spruce; that of the serrachs, foot sol-
dier? attached to the beys: mustachios garnished
our lips, and long scimitar? dangled along by our

We left Cairo with heart-felt satisfaction, Octo-
ber 20th, 1771, at one o'clock in the afternoon,
and embarked on board a kanja, a species of boat
employed in the navigation of the Nile. Their
construction is elegant, and they sail remarkably
well; you have them of various sizes. At the
same time that they serve for the conveyance of
merchandise, they have in the after-part, for the
accommodation of passengers, one or more well-
aired apartments, which would be abundantly
agreeable, were they not infested with myriads of
fleas, lice, bugs, and other vermin. During the
two days ana two nights of our passage to Rossetta,
it vvas impossible for mc fo close my eyes for a
single instant, and my companions were in the
same deplorable condition. A prey to the inces-
sant bitings of a prodigious quantity of those
