Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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when a man docs not observe for himself, when he-
throws together materials supplied by a •variety of
hands., and when he credulously admits the rela-
tions, almost always unfounded, of the people of
the country, to avoid falling into a multiplicity of

The oxen, in Egypt, arc employed in a very
easy husbandry. The industry of the inhabitants
not having acquired the art of availing themselves
of the assistance of water and wind to put in mo-
tion their mills and their numerous hydraulic ma-
chines, apply to them likewise the strength of the
ox. Each of the rice-mills, which I lately men^
tioncd, requires forty or fifty of those animals, and
this kind of machinery being considerably multi-
plied at Rosselta and at Damietta, beasts of this
sort could not but fetch a very high price: they
usually sold for two hundred and fifty francs each
(near ten guineas), an exorbitant valuation in a
country where pasture is so abundant; dismal
effect of a horrible despotism ; but few calves are
reared, little thought is exercised about to-morrow,
where it is uncertain whether fortune, whether
existence itself, shall exist another day.

Oxen in the yoke have their head at liberty :
the yoke or the lever, fixed by a leathern strap,
rests on the last vertebrae of the neck, so that the
