Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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the well-merited recompense of their own con-
temptuous behaviour, of their rigour, and of their
criminal and disgusting caprices ! Let them open,
if they can, their heart to a delicate love, their soul
to the sanctity of friendship, to the confidence
which it commands, to the kind attentions which
it keeps alive, and they will see whether that sex,
which they calumniate, because they know it only
by the horrible and ponderous chains of iron with
which they load it, knows how to correspond to
sentiments of honour, and whether it is not itself
the precious sanctuary of affections the most ten-
der, and of the constancy which perpetuates them
in that sacred abode *.

* It will be asked, perhaps, how it was possible for me to
procure information of what passes in the interior of Harems,
seeing access to them is so severely guarded : the means which
I employed are simple; but I must be permitted to refrain from
disclosing them: it is sufficient to be assured of the truth and
exactness of the details; and on this the reader may fully de-