Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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produces the most agreeable effect at a little dis-
tance ; close up to it the layer of paint is too ap-
parent, and it even impresses on the physiog-
nomy a shade of gloominess which has something
harsh in it.

The French merchants of Cairo had large con-
signments of alquifoux. Part was consumed in
the country, by the beautiful eyes of the women ;
I but by far the greatest quantity was exported to
Arabia and the land of Yemen, where it was em-
ployed as a varnish for pottery. They pretended
that what they had from England was of a supe-
rior quality to any other : but this branch of com-
merce produced only very moderate returns.

If large black eyes, which they arc at pains to
darken still more, be essential to Egyptian female
beauty, it likewise requires as an accessory of first-
rate importance, that the hands and nails should be
dyed red. This last fashion is fully as general as
the other, and not to conform to it would be rec-
koned indecent. The women could no more dis-
pense with this daubing than with their clothes.
Of whatever condition, of whatever religion they
may be, all employ the same means to acquire this
species of ornament, which the empire of fashion
alone could perpetuate, for it assuredly spoils fine
bands much more than it decorates them. The
