Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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appear very quickly into the numerous holes which
they form at the foot of rare plants and shrubs of
a rude aspect, and which appear to partake of the
barrenness of the soil where they vegetate. They
do not conceal themselves there a long time, and
we could very easily surprise them by watching
when they came out of their retreat, and present-
ing the butt end of our guns to them. I took a
living one in my hand ; he bit one of my fingers
with all his might, but he did not do me any in-
jury ; his jaws and his teeth, which are very slen-
der, were too weak to occasion any pain.

I found upon the sands that species of carabus
apterus, or without wings under the sheaths, de-
scribed by Citizen Olivier, under the denomination
of the spotted carab *, and another species with
wings under its sheaths, the body of which is
lengthened and flattened, is four lines and a half
long, and it has a broad and bordered corselet,
with two little hollows on the posterior border; the
sheaths bordered and lightly marked with longitu-
dinal lines each one of three points; the upper
part of the head and of the corselet, as well as the

* Carabus aptlrus atcr, thorace covdato, alh mariginato, elytris ma-
cujis plurimis albn—Carabus mnltiguttatus. Carabe mouchet&.
Olivier, Enc. Meth. Nota. These carabs are the same insects
which Geoffroie has called bn/irestes. Hist, des Instctes des Env.
de Paris.

vol. i. b b sheaths,