Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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sheaths, of a beautiful shining and golden green ;
the sheaths bordered with a dazzling gold eolour ;
all the upper part of the body black ; the antennae,
the thighs and legs of a bright yellow ; to con-
clude, the tarsus of a deep yellow.

Four other insects also presented themselves to.
my view. One, which was four lines in length, was
a tenebrion. The corselet, was rounded, convex,
and bordered, each sheath convex, so that the place
of their junction was hollow; the body terminated
in an obtuse point; the upper pari of the head, of
the corselet and of the sheaths dotted with very
small points, more discernible upon the sheaths
than upon the head and the corselet. The insect
is entirely of a beautiful shining black *.

The second species was a cricket, acrydiwn. Its
length was two inches two lines. The shining
eyes were striped with black and brown ; its beau-
tiful wings were gray and covered with several
spots, some yellow, and others orange-coloured.
The rest of the insect was variegated with yellow
and a yellowish green.

'* It is possible that the insects I now describe may have been
already indicated by some authors: but the uncertainty which
remains from indicative terms, has often arrested me, and I
thought it was better to give a description, than to waste time in
making researches, respecting the greater or less degrees of pro-
bability in their applications.
