Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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I hastened to the camp of my generous Bedouin
sheick, who appeared astonished at seeing me
again so soon, and paid him what I owed him, to
which I added a few yards of cloth. While I was
taking with him the frugal repast which he ob-
liged me to accept, he sent to the boat, without
my knowledge, a sheep and some other provision.
From this worthy man I parted full of admiration
and gratitude. Let him, who is indignant at the
corruption of our cities, the vices that prevail in
them, pcorly disguised by hypocrisy, the false vir-
tues which are cried up, that division of petty in-
terests, which makes a society of men an assembly
of enemies, cease to calumniate human nature.
Still, for its honour, there are men, who, not con-
cealing great faults, unite with the open practice
of them the exercise of the most commendable
qualities. Under the rude tent of the Bedouin,
on the parched sand, which serves him as a floor,
we must look, for simple manners, generous
habits, and the virtues of hospitality.

I had an opportunity of seeing a singular re-
medy, which the fellahs, or Egyptian peasants, em-
ploy for sore eyes. They suspend a little ball of
coral to their head-dress by a thread, so that it
hangs directly opposite to the diseased eye, which
is stedfastly fixed upon it, and struck by it conti-
nually. If a person wished to render himself
