Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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commerce has been obliged to quit the shore of
Fouah, and carry its implements and its wealth to
Rossetla, where numerous dangers render its steps
verv uncertain. Jlence Fouah has greatly declined
from its ancient splendour. Its circumference is
contracted, most of its ancient edifices are falling
into ruins, and those that are still standing, under-
mined by poverty, proclaim the near approach of a.
general decay. Nature, more potent, and at the
same time more generous, still however scatters
her favours there. The fields that surround
Fouah, are rich and strikingly fertile, and the de-
licious gardens produce fruits, greatly in request
fpr their excellence.

Many imagine that this place is the ancient
Mctelis, which I have placed near Rossetta, con-
ceiving Fouah to be Naucrat'is, built by the Mile-
sians, the country of Athenapus, a celebrated gram-
marian, who observes, that in his time earthen
vases were fabricated there, the covers of which
resembled silver. If my opinion be wrong, I share
the error with the learned Pocock.

Before Fouah the Nile leaves in the middle of its
course an island, called Gezirci el Dahab, or
Golden island. Wc left this place at noon, and
reached Rossetta at midnight.

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