Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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And lower egypt.

thinners, unfortunately for them, would be oblite-
rated, and replaced by a multitude of factitious
wants. It would then become their interest to live
on good terms with neighbours, from whom they
would be certain of obtaining what was necessary
for the gratification of their new desires. Frank-
ness and friendship would prevail in their mutual
intercourse: the daily business of traffic would
bring together nations of opposite dispositions,
soften down the differences between them, and
produce a happy intimacy. And if some Bedouins,
forgetting for a moment their own interests, should
return to the exercise of pillage, and again allow
themselves, by attacking the property of others, to
violate a sort of treaty, cemented by ai reciprocation
of wants and services, the refusal of articles, with
which they had learned not to be able to dispense^
would be a punishment, perhapssufheientlyseverc,'
but certainly preferable to extermination, a deed at
which humanity shudders, and of which the exe-
crable habit seems to have been caught by man,
not to be natural to him.

ff we turn our eyes from the vicious impressions
that man has received, to an art capable of soften-
ing them down, we shall be convinced, that no
part of the globe displavs so many resources for
promoiing the prosperity and splendour of agricul-
ture, as the land of Egypt. The incomparable
