Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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and the chief objects of his attention. Those of
the Egyptian breed would not be capable of per-
forming such long journeys as the Arabian cours-
ers; and more delicate, because more elegant, they
would soon be exhausted, if they were forced on
services as excessive in their length, as in the
privations by which they are accompanied.

If, however, the Arabian horses be the first in
the world, those of Egypt may assert their preten-
sions to rank second: they are distinguished by the
same mettlesomeness ; and their paces areas quick,
though more easy to the rider. The Arabian horse
possesses in an eminent degree the qualities most
useful to man; strength that will stand the severest
test, prodigious speed, and inconceivable temper-
ance. The Egyptian horse has the same qualities,
only inferior in degree: but what is deficient in
him in this respect, he compensates by the noble-
ness of his motions, the stateliness of his step, and
the beauties of his shape, which all together cap-
tivate every eye. The Arabian horse will always
be capable of rendering his possessor the most es-
sential services, but the Egyptian horse will gratify
his vanity more. Were it possible to naturalize him
in Prance, he would no doubt bear off the prize
in a country, where beauty is often preferred to
strength, gracefulness of appearance to solid ad-
