Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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veil of nature. To distract her thoughts from
this painful ops-ration, various amusements arc
devised: she is equipped successively in the dress
of a Janisary, a M.orelu<% or some other class of
men 5 and these masquerading*, which hursts of
laughter and merriment acqompanv, occupy a
part of the day.

A few hours after bathing, the bride is conducted
from the hou^e of her parents to that of the man
to whom she is betrothed. The same company,
the same noisy instruments, attend her, and she is
preceded by a number'of persons carrying all her
effects, that is to say, her clothes, jewels, and a
few moveables. These constitute the whole of a
daughter's dowry, the father giving nothing else;
on the contrary, he reieivesone; for the bride-
groom not only enters into an engagement, to give
the woman lie marries a jointure proportionate to
his fortune, but he likewise pays down a sum of
money to the father, so that he may be said to
purchase his wife. The greater the load of bag-
gage the bride ca tries with her, the more the va-
nity of the parties is gratified. Nothing is omitted
to make a great parade ; the different articles are
distributed among several persons, someol whom
do not carry above the weight of a few ounces;
but the magnificence of the ceremony consists in
having the greatest possible number of bearers,
