Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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35° travels in upper

according to Reaumur. These two thermometers
were very nearly equal in their movements : and
I neglected no precaution necessary to ensure the
precision of my observations.

Before I give my own observations, I conceive
it will not be amiss, if I copy those made by
Greaves at Alexandria, in the months of January
and February 1639. The reader will thus be
enabled to form a more accurate idea of the
climate of Lower Egypt, and will have data for
the temperature of the three principal points in
the country. These are taken from Shaw *,
who says, that he " copied them out of Mr.
" Greavcs's pocket-book, that is deposited in the
** Savil study."

" An Account of the Weather at Alexandria in
** Egypt, in the Months of January and
" February, A. D. 1639.

" Jan. 1. Fair, the wind little and southerly.
« 2. Fair.

<e 3. Fair, at night it rained a little.
*' 4. Cloudy and rainy in the afternoon, and at
« night.

* Shaw's Travels in Barbary and the Levant. Collection of
papers, serving to illustrate his observations, p. 55.

" 5. Cloudy,