Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 19.1900

DOI issue:
No. 83 (February, 1900)
DOI article:
Baldry, Alfred Lys: The art of J. S. Sargent, R. A., [1]
DOI article:
Nolhac, Pierre de: The early fountains at Versailles
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The Early Fountains at Versailles

perhaps the best remembered of all his pictures G. Marquand (188S), were the most memorable of

of this period—and the portrait of Madame his canvases during the period that ended with

Gautreau, over which Parisian critics were wildly his migration from Paris to London. Since then

excited on account of its audacity of treatment he has given us La Carmencita, at the Academy in

and novelty of manner. Although he made Paris 1891, and now hanging in the Luxembourg; and,

his headquarters, he was, however, by no means also at the Academy, Lady Agnew (1893), Miss

always at work there. He paid visits at more and Chainlet (1894); W. Graham Robertson, Esq.,

more frequent intervals to London, where, year by Mrs. Russell Cooke, and the two portraits of

year, his reputation was growing as surely as it had Mr. Coventry Patmore, in 1895 ; The Right Hon.

in France ; and finally, some half-dozen years after Joseph Chamberlain, Mrs. Lan Hamilton, Sir George

his trip into Spain, he crossed the Channel, not on Lewis, and Mrs. Colin LJunter, all in 1896; Mrs.

a visit, but to take up his abode permanently in Carl Meyer, one of his happiest pieces of uncon-

England. Since then, there has been no break in ventional composition, and The ILon. Laura Lister,

a progress that has brought him into the inner- a delightful study of dainty childhood, in 1897;

most sanctuary of Pritish art, and his election three of the strongest renderings that he has ever

as an Associate of the Academy in 1894, and as a produced of male sitters, Francis Cranmer Penrose,

Royal Academician in 1897, have followed as Esq.,P.RJ.D.A.,SirThomasSittherland,G.C.M.G.,

a matter of course. M.P., and Asher Wertheimer, Esq., with several

In the twenty years, or so, over which his others, in 1898; and last year four equally notable

practice has so far extended he has proved him- paintings of feminine sitters, Mrs. Charles Llunter,

self capable of many things, and has made ex- Miss Octavia Hill, Miss Jane Evans, and Lady

cursions into many fields of art. Far the largest Faudel-Phillijts. To the New Gallery he has sent

share of his time, however, has been given to from time to time pictures of superlative quality,

portrait painting, and, in any record of his pro- among them more than one that can fairly be said

duction, what he has done in this branch of work to mark great moments in his practice. There

calls for the chief attention. His portraits, indeed, was the great full length of Mrs. Hammerslcy, for

make up a long list punctuated by great successes instance ; and the more recent, but somewhat

Few of his canvases could with justice be ignored, similar, portrait of Mrs. Thursby ; and there have

or passed over as commonplace or uninteresting, heen besides The Countess Clary Aldringen, Mrs.

but every now and then he has made a leap George Swinlon, Mrs. Ernest Franklin, and Mrs.

forward in which with a single stride he has Anstruihcr Thomson, as well as the vividly realised

covered more ground than other men can pass and intensely characteristic half length of Colonel

over witli a decade of assiduous toil; and, curi- Lan Hamilton, which was at the gallery last

ously, after each advance there has been no summer. A few other important works, like the

perceptible recoil to prepare for the next effort, character portrait, Miss Ellen Terry as "Lady

If he marks one year by a success, in the next, Macbeth," and the occasional canvases which he

though he may possibly not provide another contributed to the exhibitions of the New English

sensation, he brings up all his canvases to the Art Club, while he was a member of that society,

level of the best that has gone before. It is this have found their way to other galleries. Altogether

faculty that gives him a hold upon even that his record in this direction is an ample one, and

section of the public which does not understand it is not less deserving of comment on account of

him. No one can prophesy exactly what he will the sustained effort to reach a high standard to

do next, and he keeps alive a spirit of speculation which it bears witness than it is as a proof of

that is most fascinating to everyone who loves indefatigable energy and zealous practice,

surprises. {To be continued)

There are not many gaps in the series of

portraits which he has, since he first began ex- ^pHR EARLY FOUNTAINS AT

hibiting in this country, contributed to the chief VERSAILLES. BY PIERRE DE

London galleries. He has been fairly prolific, I NOLHAC.
especially of late years, and he has almost always

added to the interest of the exhibitions in which The fountains in the Gardens of Ver-

he has appeared: Mrs. H. White (1884), Lady sailles have enjoyed a curious celebrity from the

Playfair(i&8$), the admirable group of The Misses first. The difficulty experienced by the engineers

Vickers (1886), the masterly picture of Mrs. Henry in the matter of supplying running water to a place