Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 29.1903

DOI Heft:
No. 124 (July, 1903)
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Studio- Talk

mere, and Langdale—have
not allowed themselves
to be bound by the en-
deavour (worthy enough in
itself, but irrelevant to
art) of providing remunera-
tive employment to de-
serving amateurs. They
have, on the other hand,
developed their industries
on a thoroughly practical

hand-woven pile rug designed by godfrey blount basis, and, with the aid

STUDIO-TALK. ..... ______

I spreading sound principles of design is

I afforded by the Home Arts and In- _ . . g^^T"

^ ^ dustries Association, with its large staff \ ^ _ <B»

of voluntary workers, its handicraft classes in all

parts of the country, and its affiliation with so

many technical schools. Considering how greatly -s

the organisation is handicapped by divided aims— 7N v-O . |t y-v\ J®

the purely philanthropic side of the enterprise so "^v^^SEIK'

often threatening to eclipse the artistic and educa- ■ ■-.' ...... ~

tional—it is encouraging to see how much good tB^ ~$

aesthetic propaganda work has actually been done.

In this year's exhibition, held in May at the Royal ~"\ >

Albert Hall, the difficulty of keeping up the

standard of design and workmanship was more - "\>

than usually apparent, except perhaps in the tex-
tile classes. These—notably Haslemere, Winder- ^ "

peasant tapestry designed by

wall-hanging godfrey blount

of enthusiastic and discriminating class-holders,
kept pace with the best artistic feeling of the day.

At Haslemere many years of wisely directed
work on the part of Mrs. Joseph King and Mr. and
Mrs. Godfrey Blount have resulted in a " developed
industry" of spinning, weaving, and embroidery
which, for the quality and variety of its output,
may now compare with anything of the kind in
this country. The workers have a very real sense
peasant tapestry designed by of beauty in texture, colour, and ornament, and

wall-hanging, "the deep sea" Godfrey blount their work has the charm and freshness of being
