Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 29.1903

DOI Heft:
No. 125 (August, 1903)
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Studio- Talk

It is not necessary to enter into more detailed in the commercial warfare, and should be recognised

criticism, as a good many of his drawings are here as such. If this were understood by everyone

reproduced, and may be left to speak for him and interested in artistic advertisement, men of the

for themselves. But it is worth pointing out that merit of Mr. Orr would give their best thoughts to

Mr. Orr's technique is very well adapted to all this useful art.

those forms of semi-decorative art which are now --

used for advertisements. It would be very effective We have pleasure in giving illustrations on pages

in a poster, and also in the illustrated press adver- 213 and 214 of some of Miss Ann Macbeth's most

tisements that have become such noteworthy recent embroidery work,
features in the newspapers and magazines.

PARIS.—An interesting attempt, certainly
worthy of record in the annals of French
decorative art, is that of two architects,
1 ,.,n .-.ul.uu Lin » v h1i,.1 l j v m 1. ■] .^ |,l11o,l,,, M. Augustin Rey and M.Abel Landry,

with the result that not ten published drawings in who have exhibited, in the Salon of French
a hundred are really fitted for their purpose. The Artists, a completely decorated hall. We some-
great majority are not
simple and strong enough
in line, and the custom of
suppressing the draughts-
man's name is little likely
to improve this defect.
If every drawing were
signed, the cleverest stu-
dents would be attracted
towards this means of
earning a livelihood. As
it is there is a general
feeling in artistic circles
that the men who draw
for advertisers are anony-
mous slaves, not indepen-
dent and known workers.
The advertising agents
seem to think that they
have the right to keep
their co-operators ob-
scure ; but they should
remember that they can-
not do this without in
some measure failing to
achieve the aim they
have at heart. More than
one business firm has
owed a fortune to a simple
drawing, and this fact
alone should prove that
the maker of the drawing
deserves something more
than the recognition which
is paid in money. He
deserves too the popular-
ity of being known by "the noisy laughter of the fool" by monro orr
name. He is an officer (See Glasgow Studio-Talk)
