Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 44.1908

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Studio- Talk


to be noted ; and there were two or three paintings
by newer members which stood out to great advan-
tage and claim particular mention—Mr. Hassall’s
Cinderella, Mr. L. Baumer’s Confidence, Mr.
Stephen de la Bere’s Barn Stormers, Mr. Steven
Spurrier’s In the Kitchen, the latter an especially
clever work. Mr. Dudley Hardy was most interest-
ing in his An Old Kitchen; Mr. Moffat Lindner’s
work, as usual, added to the pleasures of the exhibi-
tion. Other works calling attention to their quali-
ties were Mr. R. Halfnight’s Vale of Surrey, Mr. J.
White’s Clovelly, Mr. W. S. Parkyn’s Seventeen Knots
an Hour, Mr. F. E. Grone’s In View of Christmas,
Mr. J. S. Hill’s On the Sand Dunes, Mr. G. C.
Haite’s Cottages near Weymouth, Mr. Charles Dixon’s
Ofi Cape St. Vincent, Mr. Claude Hayes’ On the
Norfolk Fords, also pictures by Messrs. A. Burrington,
J. R. Reid, A. C. Gould, Robert Fowler, were among
many others which should be mentioned. Mr.
Gilbert Bayes’ Invocation, Mr. R. Sheppard’s Souvenir
of a Child\ and Mr. Gotto’s The Slinger were interest-
ing items of sculpture.



At the Royal Society of British Artists Mr.
East’s influence as President is rapidly making
itself felt, and the present must rank as one of
the best exhibitions they have ever held. The
President’s own picture, Faith, a symbolic decora-
tive landscape (here reproduced), is most interesting
both as regards treatment and subject, which is
one of romantic fascination. It represents a visit
to the shrine at Le Puy by the religious fraternities.
In the centre of a circle of hills rise two promon-
tories, one of which, irradiated by the sun, is sur-
mounted by a colossal figure of the Virgin and
Child, and the other by a church in shadow.
Below winds the Loire bordered by poplars, which
also mark the various roads leading to the shrine.
By the distribution of light, the painter has given
to the incident the utmost significance. The
Calm before a Storm, by John Muirhead, is an
important picture. A work of bright, sunny
realism, painted with decisive touches, is Mr. W.
Wells’ The Pasture Gate, one of the best things
here. A Showery Day, by D. Murray Smith;