Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 59.1913

DOI Heft:
Nr. 243 (June 1913)
DOI Artikel:
Frantz, Henri: The salon of the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris
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The Salon of the Societe Nationale, Paris

is above all a very brilliant draughtsman. M. Jean
Beraud, M. Dagnan-Bouveret and M. Gervex all
exhibit noteworthy portraits and M. Raymond
Woog takes a definite place among the ablest
portrait painters of the French school. Interesting,
too, is Mr. Ablett’s Portrait Romantique ; and as to
the large pastel portrait of Aida Boni, de TOpera,
it is one of the outstanding pictures of the Salon,
M. Guirand de Scevola showing himself here as a
colourist of premier order who has thoroughly
mastered the complex lighting of the theatre and
the gay colours which the dancer wears.

Many of the works of the landscape men attracted
my attention this year, although the absence of
that excellent painter Billotte is felt in the exhi-
bition. Lhermitte is at the same time a great
figure painter and a great landscapist; his important
En moisson is evidence of an activity which shows
no signs of flagging. The picture
is very beautiful and very human,
besides being, from the point of
view of composition, very true to
reality. M. Andre Dauchez shows
us a series of works in which he
depicts once again his beloved
Basse Bretagne which he knows so
well and whose horizons are all so
familiar to him. His view of the
Odet with its limpid waters and the
great trees upon its banks gives a
wonderful impression of majesty
and wildness. M. Raffaelli, as in
the past year, fixes upon his canvas
with light and transparent tones the
picturesque aspects of villages on
the Riviera. M. le Sidaner pre-
sents poetic aspects of a beautiful
garden, while several large studies
of skies, very curious in technique,
complete his exhibit. M. Ullmann,
a virtuoso in the rendering of the
atmosphere, shows some charming
and seductive views of l’Escaut.

M. Lepere remains faithful to La
Vendee; his little works are noble
in their emotional appeal and senti-
ment. Another master colourist is
M. Lebourg, whose views of the
Seine will take a place one day by the
side of the best landscapes of Renoir.

M. Willaert exhibits this year a re-
markable view of an old canal at
Ghent, which has been treated by him
as a colourist and diligent recorder

of the picturesque ; Hermann Courtens, another of
the leading landscape painters of Belgium, sends
this year an admirable painting of an interior with
flowers. We must not forget either the fine land-
scapes by Moulle and Henri Duhem ; the two beau-
tiful views of the Pas-de-Calais by Michel Cazin;
Paris vu du Ctocher de St. Gervais by Gabriel-
Rousseau, an excellent pleinairiste ; some amusing
little sketches of different aspects of Notre Dame
by Gillot; a noble Alsatian landscape by Waid-
mann ; the poetic Le coteau, lever de tune by Mesle ;
the eloquent landscapes of Vendee by Milcendeau;
and the work by Montenard here reproduced.

Finally, before we close our brief survey of the
Salon of 1913, mention should be made of the
admirable still-life pieces by Zakarian, one of the
most finished masters of the contemporary French
school. Henri Frantz