Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 59.1913

DOI issue:
Nr. 243 (June 1913)
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for the solidity of handling and facial charac-
terisation. W. V. Krausz has also sent two por-
traits, both of ladies, which show that he has the
gift of grasping and interpreting the minds of his
sitters, and a composition called Intermezzo, which
has gained much praise for the artist. The colour
scheme is harmonious, the girl’s red hair and gown of
shimmering green blending well with the rest. Of
Schattenstein’s three portraits those of Miss Daisy
Kennedy, the young Australian violinist, and Frau
Dr. von R. are very pleasing, and H. Rauchinger’s
Frdulein Mizzi Brucker is another distinguished
achievement, both as to colouring and composi-
tion, while the same artist’s portrait of Imperial
Councillor Max Gerstle is extraordinary for the
strength of character it displays. Stauffer’s por-
traits are always of interest; and Ajdukiewicz’s por-
trait of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand is a worthy
performance. Tom von Dreger reveals his half-

English descent in some lovely pictures of charm-
ing blond-headed children; and Robert Schitf sends
some well-observed pictures of children of quite
another calibre.

Landscape painting is a speciality with Austrian
artists. The configuration of the land with its
exceedingly great variety of scenery, provides a
never-ending repertoire for the sympathetic artist.
The Wachau, that delightfully beautiful region
hidden in a bend of the Danube, with its ancient
towns, made so interesting by their tiny Gothic
churches, their fortifications and monasteries built
high on the surrounding mountains, affords to
numbers of artists an especially fruitful harvest of
work. Suppantschitsch, Hugo Darnaut, Ruzicka,
Oswald Grill, Ranzoni, Thomas Leitner, Josef
Straka, and Eduard Zetsche, are among those
who have taken their motives from this river