Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 62.1914

DOI Heft:
No. 254 (June 1914)
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of metal-work, together with carving in wood and
stone, and the instruction, which is intended mainly
for the serious student, is given by competent pro-
fessional craftsmen.

BRADFORD.—The two-handled cup which
is illustrated on this page is an excellent
example of metal-work by Mr. Ernest
Sichel, of Bradford, and was recently
shown at an exhibition in the Corporation Art
Gallery, Cartwright Hall. It stands just over a foot
high and has been carried out partly in repousse and
partly in cast silver. The lid is surmounted by a
female figure playing on double pipes, while the
handles are formed by lizards, which, like their distant
relatives the snakes, are supposed to be susceptible
to the charms of music ; here they are climbing on
arrow-head leaves, these leaves also forming a band
round the top of the cup. The figure was cast by
the cire perdue process and chased.

PARIS.— In mentioning at random the
names of distinguished artists most
popularly known in France by drawings
of a humorous nature, that of Auguste
Roubille will unhesitatingly be included. Despite
the jesting character of his drawings on the covers
as well as the inside of various jocular journals, he
is nevertheless an artist with a profound sincerity
of thought, and his work perhaps gets nearer to
the true relation of art to life than much which
pedantically poses with a superficial seriousness in
massive gold frames. The accompanying coloured
reproduction is an excellent facsimile example of
one of his characteristic sketches. E. A. T.

One of the most important pictures in this year's
Salon of the Societe des Artistes Francais is the
portrait group, reproduced on p. 69, by Paul Michel
Dupuy, one of the most noteworthy pupils of
Bonnat. The natural pose of these three young
girls, whose light dresses stand out against the azure
of the Basque sky, combined with t the delight-
ful modelling of the faces, gives a most happy
impression of freshness and harmony among the
multitude of other works often, alas ! so conventional
in manner. _

One of the most vigorous realists, Mons. Lucien
Jonas has just been exhibiting at the Galerie Allard
a series of two hundred and fifty scenes of pro-
vincial or popular life. One cannot conceive of
the physiognomies and popular types in France—
the lawyer, the doctor, the Academician, the notary

and the redoubtable Parisian concierge—being
rendered with greater truth and fidelity—at times
even with brutality. M. Lucien Jonas has been
successful in underlining with mordant emphasis
the faults, the weaknesses, and occasionally the
vices of these professions as they reveal themselves
in the human physiognomy. This artist ranks
among our most bitter and accurate humorists.

Rene Seyssaud, one of that modern Provencale
school which is so rich in picturesque and
vigorous talents, has been showing, after months of
seclusion and efforts towards the ideal, some figure
paintings "as beautiful in expression as they are
powerful in technique," to (mote the words of
M. Arsene Alexandre in his preface to the catalogue
of this interesting artist's work. " A great painter
passes among us;" he adds, " let us not store up
for ourselves the regret of not knowing and
honouring him." H. F.


(The Property of H. Behrens, Esq., Bradford)