Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 62.1914

DOI Heft:
No. 257 (September 1914)
DOI Artikel:
American art at the Anglo-American Exposition
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American Art at the Anglo-American Exposition

resident in the United States and before proceeding and clever painting of Fish; Pauline, by Miss

to discuss them in detail we must not omit to H. M. Turner; The Circus, by George Bellows ;

record our thanks to the artists and to Mr. Hugo The Mirror, by E. V. Cockroft; and Albert

Reisinger, who organised this section, for giving Stealer's The Japanese Print. Miss Cecilia Beaux

us permission to illustrate the spaciously treated exhibits a Portrait Study, decoratively if a trifle too

Village Rider, by J. C. Johansen ; the subtly arbitrarily posed, of a girl in a magnificently painted

atmospheric Lady in White, a little reminiscent of purple and yellow brocaded robe, against a dark

Whistler, by T. W. Dewing; J. Rolshoven's sunny background; and \V. Elmer Schofield's Waterfall

picture of a girl in bright blue, Dichter Liebe—a is an admirable and typical example of his personal

Morning in May ; John W. Alexander's fine and art. Childe Hassam sends six works, among them

imposing portrait of a gentleman ; and the large an extremely clever painting of an interior, Room oj

snowy landscape, Hill Farm in Winter, by Flowers, full of light and colour ; but more typical

Gardner Symons. of his work in general are the pictures entitled

Besides the works just referred to, E. W. Red- Young Woman Reading, Moonlight Landscape,

field exhibits a good snow-painting, On the and The Window Curtain. Gardner Symons is

Delaivare, and A Garden by the River, a work of also represented by a painting, Across the River, in

most delightful colour to which a reproduction in which the slow moving greenish water is rendered

black and white would do scant justice. Other with great fidelity to nature ; the artist has here

good things are L. Kronberg's harmoniously achieved an admirable composition into which he

coloured Ln the Dressing Room; the Still-Life by introduces some agreeable colour notes in the

E. Carlsen; W. M. Chase's Portrait of Miss C. painting of the boats moored in the foreground.

