Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 62.1914

DOI Heft:
No. 257 (September 1914)
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atsoever things ARB LOVf.1.'
atsoever things are Oh 0OOI
ore if THERE be ANY virtui
,\d ip there be any praise,
think on THESE things

Scholarship in 1913. The picture was com-
missioned by Miss Elizabeth Stevenson, formerly
Principal of the Girls' Collegiate School at Port
Elizabeth for presentation to the school as a
souvenir of her association with the institution.
The figure dominating the picture represents Truth
clothed in white with a mantle of blue, and
sapphires are introduced into the mantle-clasp
as emblems. Supporting Truth are the figures
of Purity and Honesty, both clothed in white.
Praise and Justice are placed at the foot of the
throne. Praise, playing the cymbals, is clothed in
creamy-coloured drapery with a mantle of green,
while Justice has the traditional .mantle of purple
over a white gown. The lettering was chosen
by Miss Stevenson, who in other respects left the
artist a free hand.


ONTREAL.—The feature of this year's
spring exhibition at the galleries of
the Art Association of Montreal was
the number of interesting canvases
shown by three or four of our younger artists. In
this connection reference should be made in par-

the stevenson panel—girls collegiate school,
port elizabeth, s.a. f. pickford marriott,
a.r.c.a. (lond.)

printing, for in the majority of cases he wipes his
plates quite clean. Seeing that he is still young—
he is only twenty-eight—and has only been etching
about eighteen months (and that in a desultory
fashion, his main pre-occupation being with
painting) we look forward with confidence to
his future achievements in this branch of art. He
has exhibited his etchings at the International
Society's exhibition where, last autumn, Mr.
Gutekunst was quick to notice him and in the
spring of this year organised an exhibition at his
gallery in Grafton Street, Bond Street.

PORT ELIZABETH.—Readers of this
magazine will not have forgotten the
work of Mr. Pickford Marriott, of which
various examples have appeared in these
pages from time to time. For some years past
Mr. Marriott has held the post of Art Master in K^H^^A
the Public Art School at Port Elizabeth, and the

silver challenge shield and allegorical picture now ^^^"r^^B
reproduced represent some of his recent work. The Wmm^tt
shield was modelled by Mr. Gilbert Ledward, who

won the Royal Academy Gold Medal and Travel- silver challenge shield designed by f. pickford

' , j marriott, a.r.c.a. (lond.). modelled by gilbert

ling Scholarship, and the British School at Rome ledward