Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 62.1914

DOI issue:
No. 257 (September 1914)
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Studio- Talk

"A SQUALL ON GEORGIAN BAV " (Art Association of Montreal) BY A. Y. JACKSON

is about to be erected. This exhibition, an entirely rooms in the principal cities of Canada. To the

new departure in Canada, attracted much interest. President, Mrs. Dignam—a very capable painter

Following upon this was the Second Annual and craftswoman—is largely due the success of

Exhibition of " Little Pictures." This is an effort the Association, which has been in existence for

by a few younger painters to popularise their work nearly thirty years. J. E. S.
in the homes of the middle-class citizens, where

wall space is insufficient for the display of large X "Y T INNIPEG. — Among the more

canvases. Many new aspirants for painting \ /\ I recent Art Institutions in the

honours were invited, and the work of students \/ \/ Colonies is the Winnipeg Museum

was included. Mr. J. E. H. Macdonald, A.R.C.A., T T of Fine Arts, which was opened

among the older men, was the most successful in 1912, with an exhibition of Canadian Art. Since

exhibitor. Later the Women's Art Association then the Art Committee have placed on view

threw open their Galleries for a loan collection of exhibitions by contemporary artists of note, Conti-

lace and art-needlework, with contributions from nental as well as British,

the South Kensington School of Needlework, and -

Lady Egerton's famous Greek lace collection. The exhibition of the Royal British Colonial

This was followed by an exhibition of paintings Society of Artists, which has just closed, aroused

by Canadian artists, past and present—a very great interest and was largely attended. Last

interesting display. At the same time members month a serie s of water-colours by several notable

of the Association staged many examples of their exponents of that medium were shown, along with

own handiwork as craftswomen. Many beautiful a collection of black-and-white work by such known

objects were shown. The Association numbers illustrators as E. J. Sullivan, R. Aiming Bell,

2000 efficient members, with galleries and work- T. Heath Robinson, and many others.
