Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 69.1916

DOI Heft:
No. 284 (November 1916)
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Studio- Talk

Borough of Stoke-on-Trent, the centre of the though in his own work this convention has not
great pottery industry. been carried to the extraordinary lengths to

which some of the advanced " Cubists" have
The memorial tablet of which we give an illus- carried it—indeed in some of the paintings and
tration in colour on the opposite page is one of drawings on view at the Leicester Galleries there
the best things of the kind we have seen of late, was scarcely a trace of it. Its employment, how-
Admirably fulfilling its function as a memorial, it ever, has undoubtedly been a factor in conveying
is also attractive from the purely decorative point that "dynamic" impression which it was the artist's
of view. The design is by Mr. G. P. Hutchinson, aim to give—especially in the pictures of troops
of the firm of James Powell & Sons, at whose in motion, such as " Bravo" Road to Ypres, and
renowned glass works in Whitefriars the execution A Column on the March. It is we think in subjects
was carried out by a process with which the name like these that the artist's geometric method is
of the firm is closely associated. The term " opus seen at its best, though we should certainly dissent
sectile " or cut work used to describe it is of course from the view that by this method only can the
of ancient origin, but as revived and developed aims he professes -be attained,
by Messrs. Powell & Sons the
process differs in various
particulars from that followed
by the mural decorators of
antiquity, to whom the use
of hydrofluoric acid em-
ployed in the modern
method for eating away the
glass to give effect to the
underlying layers of gold
was of course unknown.
Beautiful effects are yielded
by this process, and many
successful results have
accrued from it in the shape
of monumental and decora-
tive work in churches. i!'

The autumn art season
in London was inaugurated
at the end of September by
the exhibition at the
Leicester Galleries of a
collection of paintings and
drawings of War by Mr.
C. R. W. Nevinson, "late
Private R.A.M.C." ; and as
embodying his impressions
first as a motor mechanic
and ambulance driver on
the Western Front and later
as a hospital orderly in
France and England the
display was at once unique
and distinctly interesting.
Mr. Nevinson has been
prominently identified with
those who have adopted statuette in glazed earthenware by Stanley thorogood

a geometrical convention, (The property of J. Mattock, Esq.)
