Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 69.1916

DOI Heft:
No. 284 (November 1916)
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Studio- Talk

his method and changed his aim ; his purpose Beyond several charming drawings by Mr. Russell
appears to be to get his effects by the most Flint, characteristic sketches by Mr. F. Cayley
elemental and natural simplicity. Wells, more Robinson, delightful expressions by Miss Katherine
perhaps than any contemporary, is "out" for Cameron, clever studies by Mr. Dudley Hardy
sunlight; it is an unqualified boon in the art of a and Mr. John Hassall, a delicately rendered sea-
period of gloom, de- scape by Mr. R. B.
pression, and doubt. Nisbet, R.S.A., fine

architectural interpre-

the war, not the least «■ . ' ( | } " '} 'a , little in the water-

in that many sketching \ >'y^k ' ~Xj(^- 1 colour section to arrest

cattle study in Skye ; „ frequenters, and

„ , j "the lady of the carnation , .

Mr. John Henderson OIL PAINTING BY fra. „. newbery further examples of it

by an early summer (Glasgow Fine Arts Institute) will be eagerly antici-

landscape; Mr. pated by many. The

Patrick Downie by a finely rendered Firth of exhibition, which has still several weeks to run,

Clyde effect; Mr. J. Lawton Wingate, R.S.A., has proved a welcome relief from the daily

by a poetic pastoral; and Mr. Alexander Roche, anxieties engendered by the war. In stressful

R.S.A., by an interior, delightfully simple and times like these the influence of art is all for

subtle. the best. J- T.