Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 71.1917

DOI issue:
No. 293 (August 1917)
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Studio- Talk

"EN ESCLAVAGE DANS I.E NORD" [Exhibition o' French Art, Barcelona) BY JEAN LOUIS FORAIN

The collection sent by members of the Artistes Sudre, and the works of Allar, Carles, Caron,

Francais comprised a large number of fine Marx, Pernot, Pompon, Segoffin, and David,

productions. The most important among the The section of graphic arts contained divers

pictures were Les Lingeres by Franck Bail, contributions of special interest; and in the

Apres le Bain by Biloul, Bonnat's Portrait de architectural section various eminent members

L. Cognet, L'Eau Joyeuse by A. Boye, Le Port were well represented.

by A. Carrera, Au Crepuscule by Paul Chabas, --

L'Entree du Pare by E. Chigot—a charming The Societe Nationale participated in the

piece of landscape painting—and the Portrait exhibition with no less enthusiasm than that

of Benjamin Constant by Mile. Delasalle, a work shown by the older society. . Among the painter

of much vigour. Of Gourdault, who died an members of this Society whose works gave

heroic death on the field of honour, the work particular pleasure were Abel-Trucket, F.

which among the three exhibited best displayed Beraud, Besnard and his son Robert (who has

his gifts was the Course de Taureaux en Espagne, given his life for his country), J. E. Blanche

a work in which the movement of the crowd (whose sketch portrait of the late Mme. H.

and the heat pervading the scene were rendered Germain was especially noteworthy), Boutet de

with remarkable realism. The works of Hum- Monvel, Carolus-Duran, Mile. Carpentier, Louis

bert, J. P. Laurens, Matisse, Laparra, Henri Chariot, Costeau, Charles Cottet, Degas, Georges

Martin, Tardieu, and others of this group also Jeanniot, La Gandara, J. L. F. Lepine, H.

elicited the admiration of visitors. The Society's Lerolle, Le Sidaner (with a fine Table du Marin),

exhibits included a group of sculpture, among Menard, F. A. Olivier, Roll, Lucien, and Mme.

which may be named Georges Bareau's Le Simon. The sculpture was equally important,

Semeur, a striking relief by E. Houssin entitled prominent among the exhibits being Bartho-

Le Bateau de Sauvelage, a bust by Raymond lome's charming Jeune Title a sa Toilette,
