Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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DECORATION. By A. S. Levetus

THOUGH there is nothing startling to report concerning the
arts and crafts in Hungary, still it is pleasant to remark
their steady development on lines at once refined and in good
taste. The opening of the Arts and Crafts Workshops by
the association of some of the leading exponents in Hungary,
under the leadership of Lajos Kozma, will undoubtedly do much to
further the desire for really artistic furniture and other objects in the
decoration of the home. The interiors—dining-rooms, living-rooms,
bedrooms—as also the various objects designed by Kozma and made
by the craftsmen, show extreme beauty in the manipulation of the
materials, more especially the woods and metals, revealing the desire
on the part of those who execute the designs to give only of their best.
Kozma is developing a style which is peculiarly his own, and one
worthy of high praise.
Another move in the direction of the furthering of the arts and
crafts is the establishing of the textile workshops under the joint
efforts of three artists, Professor Artur Lakatos, Lajos Kozma, and
Klara Roman. Till now hand-woven and machine-made mate-
rials have received scant attention, but these artists have been suc-
cessful in inducing the textile manufacturers to execute their designs,
and with very happy results. Hand-woven materials are produced
in the workshops, under the able care of Professor Lakatos, while
all the three artists mentioned are responsible for the designs. They
have revived the old manner of weaving brocades ; the designs
are individual in expression, many of them are delightful in
colouring. Klara Roman is specialising in batik, and has succeeded
in achieving some delightful colour effects, some after her own
designs, others after designs by Professor Lakatos.
Another branch of textiles, that of carpet-weaving and knotting,
is also developing rapidly on lines at once artistic both as regards
design and colouring. For some years the art of tapestry-weaving
has been cultivated at the Royal School of Weaving at Godollo, and
with success, to judge by the quality of the work done there. The
designs are by Aladar Kriesch-Korosfoi and Sandor Nagy, whose
names are a guarantee for sincerity of purpose, decorative fitness, and
artistic value.
Many and beautiful are the decorative uses to which embroidery
is being put, and some exquisite work has been done both for personal
adornment and for the home. The embroideries here reproduced
are mostly the work of peasant girls and women who are employed by
Anna Lesznai to execute her own designs, which, though in some in-
stances savouring of the national,still have claim to strong individuality.
