Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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would no doubt be much improved by a slight extension of the frontage, with
corresponding increased size in the rooms to meet general demands; but as it
stands, if furnished with proper restraint, it would meet the requirements of
a small family, and in a case where few bedrooms were required it would
allow of the development of a part of the space under the roof as a top-lit
I have shown this house as an isolated and self-contained building, mainly
because it is such little complete houses which are generally demanded of
the modezm architect. When such houses are built (as they should be to gain
the best economical results) as a terrace, this is usually an affair for the specu-
lative builder. The kind of house which seems much needed in suburban
areas is one which has a liberal frontage and so has a good width of garden,
and yet one which gains the advantages of warmth and saving in cost in-
volved in attachment to its neighbouringhouses. The usual modern practice
is to leave a draughty and gloomy passage between houses which would be
much better in every way if they would join together instead of standing a
few feet apart. There are plenty of good old Georgian and Queen Anne
models for terraces which show what can be done in this way with a liberal
treatment of the terrace house. The practical difficulty is, of course, that
such houses, unless one can get a group of people to combine their resources,
must be built as a speculation, and in the absence of a sound tradition specu-
lative building seldom leads to good results.
