Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Urbanik, Jadwiga; Muzeum Architektury <Breslau> [Editor]
WUWA 1929 - 2009: the Werkbund exhibition in Wrocław — Wrocław: Muzeum Architektury we Wrocławiu, 2010

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55. Fish - textile designed by Professor Max Wislicenus,
Municipal High School of Handicrafts and Decorative
Arts in Breslau/Wroclaw (Stadtische Handwerker- und
Kunstgewerbeschule, Breslau), WUWA exhibition, Section
16: Handicrafts (Werkraum des Handwerks) Ostdeutsche
Bau-Zeitung-Breslau 1929, vol. 27, p. 440
56. Textiles designed by Johanne Gramatte, Municipal
High School of Handicrafts and Decorative Arts in
Breslau/Wroclaw (Stadtische Handwerker- und Kunst-
gewerbeschule, Breslau), WUWA exhibition. Section 16:
Handicrafts (Werkraum des Handwerks) Ostdeutsche
Bau-Zeitung-Breslau 1929, vol. 27, p. 440

and landscaped architecture in Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Den-
mark, and the United States. Section 17, overseen by Max Schirmer, presented modern landscaped
architecture in Wroclaw. This section was divided into topical groups lead by Max Schirmer, Heinrich
Knipping314, Gunther Trauer, Johannes Erbe, and Franz Hahnel.
The Centennial Hall housed the Werkbund exhibition under the Neues Bauen heading, the
presentation was under the auspices of the local Technical University (Technische Hochschule) de-
voted to the achievements of the Eichborngarten housing co-operative (Siedlungsgenossenschaft)
and the Bauhaus exhibition. The latter presented the approach to art education and educational
methods developed at the Bauhaus by Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Joost Schmidt, Os-
kar Schlemmer, as well as works from the Bauhaus workshops (mural painting, textiles, metalwork,
woodwork, architectural work, painting and photography).
The Werkraum des Handwerks pavillion located near the Centennial Hall and designed by
Gustav Wolf, presented handicrafts in Germany (Section 16, by Gustav Wolf with the assistance of
Heinrich Rump315). The exhibition featured a variety of handcrafted objects (clocks, lighting fixtures,
radiators, metalwork) and recreated the model workshops of the weaver316, glass engraver317, uphol-
sterer, wall-paper specialist, locksmith, saddler, tailor, potter, hairdresser, photographer, carpenter
and cabinet-maker, bookbinder, shoemaker, engraver, jeweller, wood-carver, giassblower, enam-
eller and varnisher.
A model shopping street with furnished stores318 was erected in the open (Section 13, under
Moritz Hadda).The specially-designed Verkehrshalle pavilion (Heinrich Knipping) featured transport
314 Wiezowce Wroclawia..., p. 206. Heinrich Knipping was active in Wroclaw from the mid-1920s, initially at the Municipal Urban Planning
Department under Fritz Behrendt.
315 Ibidem, p.210. Heinrich Rump active in Wroclaw from the later 1920s, was a member of the BDA. He designed the office tower for the
Municipal Savings Bank in Town Sguare (1929-1931).
316 Wohnung und Werkraum Werkbundausstellung in Breslau vom 15.Junibis 75. September..., p.64.The weaving workshop was arranged byJohanne
Gramatte, who taught textile art at the Municipal School of Handicrafts and Decorative Arts (Stadtische Handwerker- und Kunstgewerbe
Schule), headed by Gustav Wolf.
317 Ibidem. The glass workshop was arranged by Professor Siegfried Haertel of the Stadtische Handwerker- und Kunstgewerbe Schule.
318 Ibidem, p.62. Interiors of the model stores were designed by: Elmar Brendgen, Helmut Ronge, Martin Rosenstein, Konrad Scheu, Ulrich Stein,
and Heinrich Tischler.