Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Urbanik, Jadwiga; Muzeum Architektury <Breslau> [Hrsg.]
WUWA 1929 - 2009: the Werkbund exhibition in Wrocław — Wrocław: Muzeum Architektury we Wrocławiu, 2010

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The buildings7 descriptions have been based on:
• Archival photographs in the collection of the Akademie der Kunste in Berlin
• Photographs published in professional periodicals through 1939
• Photographs included in literature published through 1939
• Architectural plans and drawings in Archiwum Budowlane Miasta Wroclawia (Building Archives of the City
of Wroclaw)
• Inspection of the building (concerns Scharoun's hostel for singles and newly-wed couples No. 31)
The descriptions of the buildings531 include only their most interesting and characteristic features. They are
supplemented by photographs recording the buildings' original form (as of 1929) and some original plans
from Archiwum Budowlane Miasta Wroclawia.532
Technical data quoted:
Delius Rudolf, 'Werkbund - Versuchssiedlung in Breslau', Dekorative Kunst 1929, vol. 37, p. 272-280.
Harbers Guido, 'Wohnung und Werkraum. Werkbund - Ausstellung Breslau 1929', Der Baumeister 1929,
vol. 27,no. 9, p. 285-312, Tables 85-100.
Lampmann Gustav, 'Ausstellungssiedlung Breslau 1929', Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 1929, vol. 49, p. 468.
Meinck, 'Stahlskelettbauten in Breslau', Der Stahlbau 1933, vol. 6, no. 20, p. 155-159.
Munter Georg, 'Wohnung und Werkraum. Ein Versuch die Werkbund - Ausstellung in Breslau 1929 zu wurdi-
gen', Wasmuths Monatshefte fur Baukunst 1929, vol. 13, p. 441-453.
Nesiba Jan, 'Vystava 'Byt a dilna've Vratislavi', Stavitel 1929, vol. 11, p. 97-115.
O., 'Ein Spaziergang nach 3 Jahren', Ostdeutsche Bau-Zeitung-Breslau 1932, vol. 30, p. 298-300.
Rothenberg Adolf, 'Die Werkbund - Ausstellung 1929 in Breslau', Ostdeutsche Bau-Zeitung-Breslau 1929,
vol. 27, no. 47, p. 341-349.
'Werkbund - Versuchssiedlung in Breslau. Ausstellung Wohnung und Werkraum', Die Baugilde 1929, vol. 11,
no. 13, p. 959-1009.
Wohnung und Werkraum Werkbundausstellung in Breslau 1929, 15 Juni bis 15 September, Ausstellungs-Fuhrer,
Breslau 1929, p. 73-121.
'Werkbund - Versuchssiedlung in Breslau. Ausstellung Wohnung und Werkraum', Die Baugilde 1929, vol. 11,
no. 13, p. 959-1009
Archiwum Budowlane Miasta Wroclawia - structural calculations, architectural and technical drawings in
folders nos. 656, 657, 2360, 2764, 4575, 4576, 4577, 4940.533
Urbanik Jadwiga, Gryglewska Agnieszka, Studium hlstoryczno-konserwatorskie budynku hotelowego przy ul.
Kopernika 9 we Wroclawiu. Historical and conservation study of Scharoun's hostel for the singles and new-
ly-wed couples No. 31. Manuscript. Commissioned by the building's present owner, Panstwowa Inspekcja
Pracy (State Labour Inspectorate), Wroclaw 1993.
Technical data of the buildings are not always complete.534 Examination of the existing structures has not
always been possible because the majority of buildings are now in private hands.
Changes and alterations to the original design, discussed in section 8 concern only the building's external form.

531 More information concerning interior and colour design can be found in Part 1.
532 Because of the poor quality of some plans, not all have not been reproduced.
533 The author of the present study has been conducting research on the WUWA exhibition and model housing estate since 1989. In 1997 the
Building Archive of the City of Wroclaw (Archiwum Budowlane Miasta Wroclawia) was relocated. The files were re-organised, some received new
call numbers.

■34 The Werkbund archive in Berlin burnt down in 1944; all documents concerning the WUWA exhibition perished.