Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Pliny, distinguishes style of Doryphorus and Diadu-
menus, 169, n. 4 ; statements of, concerning Poly-
cleitus, discussed, 173 ft'.

Polycleitus, author of chryselephantine statue of Hera,
21; peculiar treatment of upper lip in statues of,
159, 179 f. ; relation of, to Heraeum marbles,
162 ff. ; and Phidias, 162 f„ 168; characteristics
of, 173 ff., 186.

Polygnotus, influence of, upon temple sculpture,

Pompeii, baths at, compared with baths in Roman
Building, 135.

Porphyry (Felsite), at the Heraeum, 100.

Poseidon, as rival of Hera, 4, n. 5.

Priene, cyma from temple at, compared with cyma
from Heraeum, 160, and n. 2.

Priestess of Hera, Roman statue of (?), 141 ff.

Proetus, builder of walls of Tiryns, 26, 34 f.

Prosymna, part of territory of Heraeum, defined,
13 f.; possibly provincial name for arable land,

" Proto-Corinthian " or Argive-Linear vases, prepon-
derance of, at Heraeum, 50 ; characteristics of,
59 ff.

Quintilian. statements of, regarding Polycleitus, dis-
cussed, 173 ff.

Rangabe", A. Rizo, excavations of, at the Heraeum,
67 ff.

Revma-tou-Kastrou. river near Heraeum. identified
with ancient Eleutherion, 14 ff. ; connected with
elaborate system of cisterns and aqueducts, 16 ff.

Richardson, R. B., Inscriptions from the Heraeum,
197 ff.; Stamped Tiles from the Heraeum, 216 ff.

Rings of bronze, 61 f. ; served as a medium of ex-
change, 61.

Roman Building, described, 134 ff.

" Salaminian " shaft-tombs, 28, 69, 79.

Samos, derived cult of Hera from Argos, 5.

Sardis, burial of, 96.

Scamilli, traces of, in Second Temple, 120.

Sculptures from the Heraeum, 138 ff.; single figures,

140 ff. ; architectural, 144 ff. ; general style of,

153 ff. ; period and school of, 160 ff.
Seasons, representation of, upon crown of Polycleitan

Hera, 21 f.
Second Temple, built immediately after 423 b. c, 20 ;

partially excavated by Rangabe, 07 f. ; excavation

of, 1892, 73 ; description of, 11.7 ff. ; orientation

of, 108, 119 ; proportions of, 129 f.; plan of, 125.
Sima, see Cyma.
Socles, ap-xLTtKTwv, 217, 219 ff.
South Stoa, discovered 1894, 79 ; completely cleared,

1895, 80 ff.; described, 127 ff.
Spits, dedicated at the Heraeum, 62.

Statues, before tensile of Hera, 20 ; bases for, 20, 21 ;
bases for, between Upper Stoa and Northeast
. Stoa, 112.

Steps below South Stoa, 130 f.

Stoae, 112 ff.; Upper, 112 ff.; Northeast, 114, ff.;
South, 127 ff.; Lower, 136.

Strabo, does not mention relation between the He-
raeum and Tiryns, 11, 85 f.; characterization of,
85 f.

Tarbell, F. B., theory of, concerning sculptures of
Second Temple, 149 f.

Tegea, sculptures from, compared with Heraeum mar-
bles, 160.

Te/\.a/xco(v), meaning of, 201 f.

Terra-cotta images, 42 ff.; earliest types, 43 ; Tiryn-
tbian Argive type, 44; Mycenaean type, 44 ff.;
'• Dipylon " type, 46 f.; Advanced Argive type,
47 ; under oriental influence, 47 ; archaic Greek
type, 47 ; of free style, 48 ; compared with bronzes
and terra-cottas from Olympia, 48 f.; develojmient
of, runs parallel to development of vase-painting,

Tertiary Period, formations of, in Argive plain, 92.

Theaeus of Argos, connected with inscription from
Heraeum (?), 203.

" Theseum," proportions of, 121, n. 1, 122.

Tiles, marble, of Second Temjfle, 124; stamped,
216 ff.; date of, 219.

Tilton, E. L., Architecture of the Heraeum, 105 ff.

Tiryns, connection with the Heraeum, 10 ff., 25 ff.;
walls of. compared with Cyclopaean wall at He-
raeum, 26 ; chronological relation to Mycenae and
Argos, 36.

Tirynthian-Argive terra-cottas, 44.

Torso of nude youth from metopes, discovered 1892,
73; described, 185 ff.; of warrior, from metopes,

187 f.; of female figure (Amazon ?), from metopes,

188 f.; of female figure, from pediments, 191 f.
Trojan War, represented in sculptures of Second

Temple, 20, 148 ff.

Unit of measurement in Second Temple, 120.
Upper Stoa, discovered in 1893, 74 f.; described,
112 ff.

Vases. 49 ft'.; preponderance of Argive-Linear (" Pro-
to-Corinthian ") style at the Heraeum, 50; classifi-
cation of, 50 ff.; Mycenaean, 51 ff.; Dipylon, 53 ;
primitive, 55 f.; Argive-Linear (" Proto-Corin-
thian "), 57 ff.; development of, runs parallel to
development of terra-cotta figurines, 60.

Volcanoes, action of, in burying ancient remains,

Waldstein, C, General Introduction, 3 ff.
Statuary from the Heraeum, 139 ff.
