Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Katarzyny z Wołczyńskich Groszkiewiczowej (zm. 1698), 30 - epitafium Andrzeja Groszkiewicza (zm. 1701), 31 -
epitafium Johanna a Kerna (zm. 1668)

Litery - portale: A - zakrystii, B - chóru muzycznego, C - serliana wewnętrznego portalu głównego, D - kaplicy
św. Stanisława/Chrystusa 5alvatora, E - kaplicy Świętej Trójcy, F - kaplicy Najśw. Sakramentu, G - kaplicy Archikon-
fraterni Literackiej/Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najśw. Marii Panny

Plan of the archcollegiate church in Warsaw after a restoration designed by architect Adam Idźkowski m 1836-41
with the contemporary localisation of the identified 16* - and 17!:h-century sculpture and small-scale architecture
monuments m marble, limestone and alabaster. Based on steel-engravmg from the Adam Idźkowskis album Plany
budowli obejmujące rozmaite rodzaje domów, mieszkań wiejskich różnej wielkości, kościołów..., tabl. VI, fig. 1, worked out
by M. Wardzyński, 2013


Roman numerals - side altars: I - altar of theTransfiguration, II - altar of the Ascension, III - St. Mary's altar, IV - altar
of Christ Salvator, V - altar of the Holy Sacrament

Arabie numerals - monuments and epitaphs for: 1 - last Dukes of Mazovian Piast dynasty, brothers: Stanisław
(d. 1524) and Janusz III (d. 1526), 1526-8, 2 - brothers Mikołaj (d. 1550) and Stanisław (d. 1566) Wolski, 1567, 3 -
Stanisław (d. 1624) and Zofia Warszycki moved from the Bernardine nuns' church, 4 - Mateusz Boliński (d."1631),
1639, 5 - Łukasz and Stanisław Nagórski (d. 1571), 6 - sarcophagus of primate Kazimierz Florian Czartoryski (d. 1674)
moved from the Jesuits' church, 7 - Adam Krzyniecki (d. 1610), 8 - Asprilio Pacelli (d. 1623), 9 - Paweł Zembrzuski
oka Klucznik (d. 1633), 10 - Marian Lauscheftfd. 1667), 11 - Mikołaj Erler (d. 1645), 12 - Remigiusz de Otok Zaleski
(d. 1648), 13 - Wojciech Czaplic (d. 1642), 14 - Marcin Świerzyński (d. 1650), 15 - Zygmunt Kazanowski (d. 1634)
moved from the Bernardine nuns' church, 16 - Mikołaj Aleksander Filomed (d. 1595), 17 - Jan Gommer (d. 1654),
18 - Aleksander Jan Alancy (d. 1648), 19 - Andrzej Szmek (d. 1688), 20 - David Mintzer (d. 1652), 21 - Stanisław
Drewno (d. 1621), 1621, 22 - Jan Horlemes (d. 1641), 23 - Paweł Gissa/Giza (d. 1624), 24 - Stanisław Baryczka the
Elder (d. 1651), 25 - Bartłomiej Zaliwski (d. 1595), 26 - Stanisław Strzelica (d. 1532), 27 - Adam Parzniewski (d. 1614),
28 - Giacomo (d. 1648) and Veronica(d. 1643) Gianotti, 29 - Wojciech Baryczka(d. 1643), 30 - Katarzyna Groszkiewicz
nie Wołczyńska (d. 1698), 30 - Andrzej Groszkiewicz (d. 1701), 31 - Johann a Kern (d. 1668)

Letters - portals of A - sacristy, B - organ-loft, C - interior mam entrance, D - chapel of St. Stanisław/Christ Salva-
tor, E - chapel of the Holy Trimty, F - chapel of the Holy Sacrament, G - chapel of the 'Literary' Archconfraternity/
St. Marys Immaculate Conception
