Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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THERE is no subject that opens to us
wide avenues of pleasure at such trifling
cost of time as the study of Architecture.
And in this field it can be said with truth that
a little learning is not a dangerous thing : it is
a pleasant and a helpful thing. One may go
further and say that for all who wish to get
their full share of interest and enjoyment out
of life it has become a necessary thing.
Our opportunities for intelligent travel are
increasing daily. Less than thirty years ago
the motor-car in England was restricted to
a pace of four miles an hour ; moreover, the law
required that it should be preceded by a man
waving a red flag. Conditions in this and in
other respects have changed in the course of
the present century, and our radius of easy
travel has enlarged greatly. All thoughtful
people are now desiring to acquire an elementary
knowledge of the history of the buildings which
they may visit in the course of their wanderings,
and of the conditions under which these buildings
have arisen. And it matters little whether
these wanderings be through the towns and
villages around their home, or among the greater
churches and cathedrals of England, or, further
afield, along the banks of the Loire, the Arno,