Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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°f Diana in duplicate lie would wish to be informed
of it!

The suspension here alluded to was caused by the
intrigue of a certain colonel, Rechad Bey, who was
persuaded by a Greek, who had dreamt of treasure at
Ephesus, to seek for it in one of my excavations. This
man had sufficient influence with the Pasha of Smyrna
to stop my works, while he sought for the hidden treasure
by blowing up some of the ancient masonry of the Great
Gymnasium with gunpowder.

My firman obliged me to obtain the leave of the
owners of the land on which I wished to excavate ; but I
ventured to disregard this sometimes, and dug away
without hindrance, excepting in one instance, where the
land-owner came forward, and positively forbade my
excavations on any part of his land. I had afterwards
reason to believe that most of these men had no real
ught to the land they claimed, and had not purchased
it from the Government.

For the first four months I explored the ground to the
west and north of the city, and I found little more than
the remains of Roman and Mediaeval buildings. For the
whole of September the excavations were nearly sus-
pended in consequence of an unfortunate accident I met
with in riding home one night from an expedition to
Ninfi to see the famous rock-cut figure of Sesostris. My
horse fell with me into a deep dry ditch, and the result
was the fracture of a collar-bone. During my absence
the men did very little work, and nothing of consequence
was found ; it was, however, more or less consolatory that
there was so much less ground to be explored.

Ten months passed away, and the solution of the great