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General Works and Catalogues

Album diiel srquki w lastosowaniu do pnemyslu (exhibition organized by the Museum of Industry and Agriculture in Warsaw

in i 88 i), with photographs by W. Krajewski, Warsaw 1883
Album wystawy staroiytnosci i priedmiotow n^ukj (in support of the Hospice of Our Lady at Krakowskie Przedmiescie

Street), with photographs by K. Beyer, Warsaw 1856
Album wystawy staroiytnosci i %abytkow ntukj (organized by the Imperial Learned Society in Cracow), with photographs

by K. Beyer, Warsaw 1858, 1859
Bajtowski, B., Dawne cechy kf^kowskie, Cracow 1903

Bochnak, A., and Buczkowski, K., Kiemioslo artystyape w Polsce, Arkady publishers, Warsaw 197 1

Bruckner, A., Encyklopedia staropolslea (with illustrations selected and entries concerning dress and armour written by

K. Estreicher), vols. I and II, Warsaw 1937 — 39
Bystroh, J. S., Diieje obycxajo'w w dawnej Polsce, published by Trzaska, Evert and Michalski, Warsaw 1932; postwar editions,

Warsaw i960, 1976
Cieslak, E., and Biernat, C, D^ieje Gdariska, Gdansk 1969

Cracovia artificum 1 so 1—1 fjo, edited by J. Ptasnik and M. Friedberg, Cracow 1936—48

Dary i nabytkj 194J—1970, catalogue of the exhibition in the Historical Museum of the City of Warsaw, Warsaw 1970
Dobrowolski, T., Situka Krakowa, Cracow 1964

Dobrowolski, T., S^tulea polska od ngsow najdawniejsiych do ostatnich, Cracow 1972
Gdansk, jego d^ieje i kultura, Arkady publishers, Warsaw 1969

Gembarzewski, B., MuTgum Narodowe w W arsiawie, from the series 'Polish Museums', vol. II, Cracow 1924

Gloger, Z., Encyclopedia staropolslea ilustrowana, vols. I—IV, Warsaw 1900, 2nd edition, Warsaw 1972

Gumowski, M., Mujeum ~Wielkppolskie w Poipaniu, from the series 'Polish Museums', vol. II, Cracow 1924

Historia kultury materialnej Polski w %arysie, edited by W. Hensel and J. Pazdur, Institute of the History of Material Culture,

Polish Academy of Sciences, Ossolineum publishers, vols. I—IV, 1978—79
Historia S%tukj Polskjej, edited by T. Dobrowolski and W. Tatarkiewicz, Wydawnictwo Literackie publishers, vol. I—III,

Cracow 1967

Katalog Zabytkow Si^tuki w Polsce, Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences, vol. I, 19 51 (successive volumes published

in the following years, at present edited bv J. Z. Lozihski)
Katalog Zabytkow S^tukj w Polsce, vol. IV: Miasto Krakow, part I: Wawel, edited by J. Szablowski, Warsaw 1965
Katalog Zabytkpu S^tuki w Polsce, vol. IV: Miasto Krakow, part II: Koscioly i klast^ory srodmiescia, edited by Adam Bochnak

and Jan Samek, Warsaw 1971
Kieniewiczowa, G., Dary i nabytki, catalogue of the Historical Museum of the City of Warsaw, Warsaw 1970
Kolaczkowski, J., Wiadomos'ci tycngce sie pngmyslu i st^uki w dawne] Polsce, Cracow 1888

Komornicki, S. S., Muigum XX Ciartoryskich w Krakowie, from the series 'Polish Museums', vol. V, Cracow 1929
Kopera, F., Muigum Narodowe w Krakowie, from the series 'Polish Museums', vol. I, Cracow 1923
Kozakiewicz, S., Slownik terminologic^ny situk pieknych, Warsaw 1969
Krakow, jego dtieje i sifuka, Arkady publishers, Warsaw 196 5

Krol, A., Zamek Krolewski w Wars%awie, from the series 'Polish Museums', vol. IV, Cracow 1926

Kuchowicz, Z., Obycia]e staropolskfe XVII—XVIII wieku, Lodz 1975

Kula, W., Sifcice 0 manufakturach w Polsce XVIII w., vols. I and II, Warsaw 1956

Kunst in Polen der Gotik bis neute, exhibition catalogue, Zurich 1974

L'age d'or des grandes cites, exhibition catalogue, Gent 1958

Lepszy, L., 'Przemysl artystyczny i handel', in: Krakow i jego kultura i sztuka, Ronjiik Krakowsfy, vol. VI, 1904
Lorentz, S., Tre'sors culturels de la Pologne, Warsaw 1954

Mahkowski, T., and Gebethner, S., Priewodnik po dijale s^tuki idobniciej Museum Narodowego w Wars^awie, Warsaw 1936
Mille ans d'art en Pologne, catalogue of the exhibition in Paris, Paris 1969

Morant, H. de, Historia sxtuki idobniciej, with supplement Riemioslo ipnemysl artystynpy w Polsce by B. Majewska-Maszkowska

and R. Bobrow, Warsaw 1983
Muiga Gminy Miasta Lwowa (by A. Czolowski, K. Badecki, R. Mekicki, M. Harasimowicz, S. Zarewicz and H. Ciesla),

Lvov 1929