Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Żygulski, Zdzisław
An outline history of Polish applied art — Warsaw, 1987

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Byszewski, Arnold Anastazy, Colonel 3 4
Byszewski, Jacek 102, ill. 194

Caesar, Gaius Julius 23, 30
Cain 2 3

Callimachus see Buonaccorsi, Filippo
Canaletto see Bellotto, Bernardo, called

Cartwright, Edmund, inventor of power
loom 84

Casimir I (the Restorer), King of Po-
land 1 2

Casimir III (the Great), King of Poland
13, 14, 15, 16, 24, /'//. /, 6

Casimir IV (the Jagiellon), King of Po-
land 17, 19, 20, 2 5

Cato, Marcus Porcius 30

Cecilia Renata, Queen of Poland, wife
of Ladislaus IV 57, 71

C^ckiewicz, Witold 101

Celihski, Slawomir, modeller in Nie-
borow 83

Celmihski, Mamert 97, 102

Chanou, Henri, French potter active in
Korzec 81

Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor 64

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 53,
ill. j) 7

Charles III Philip of the Palatinate 65
Charles XI, King of Sweden 36
Charles Robert, King of Hungary 15
Chirico, Giorgio de 102
Chlapowski, Karol *'//.
Chodowiecki, Daniel, painter, engraver

and draughtsman 54
Chojnacki, Stanislaw 97
Chomicki, Grzegorz, pottery decorator

in Korzec 60
Chopin, Frederic 82
Chronos 68

Ciechanowski, Andrzej 102
Clausen, Benedict, Gdansk silversmith

Clement, Saint /'//. 123

Clermont, Louis de, secretary to Queen

Marie Casimire 47
Conrad, Duke of Mazovia 12, 13, 14
Constance, Queen of Poland, wife of

Sigismund III 32, 45, 65
Copernicus, Nicolaus 19, 27, ill. 2/
Cosmas, chronicler 1 2
Coxie, Michael, Netherlandish painter,

designer of Arrases 2 3
Crane, Walter 89

Crutta, Antoni, interpreter in the Royal
Chancery 3 4

Cybihska, Krystyna 101

Cybulski, Kazimierz, owner of china
shop in Warsaw 82

Czacki, Tadeusz, economic and edu-
cational leader, historian 19, 21

Czajkowski, Jozef 87, 88, 89, 90, 92,
93> 94

Czapek, Franciszek, watchmaker 74, 75
Czapek, Stanislaw, sculptor 91

Czapla, Jan, Plock scholastic 14
Czartoryska, Izabela, founder of Pulawy

75, 76, 81, 86
Czartoryski, Adam Kazimierz, Prince,

general regimentary, theoretician and

critic of literature 34, /'//. //, 146
Czartoryski, August, Prince 34
Czartoryski, Jozef, founder of Korzec

manufactory 59, 60, 82, 83
Czartoryski family 19, 48, 76, 84
Czasznicka, Zofia 94
Czolowski, Aleksander, historian 8

D^browski, Eugeniusz D^browa 89, 90
Dali, Salvador 102

Dangel, Tomasz, owner of coach ma-
nufactory in Warsaw 47

Danielewicz, Antoni, potter in Nieswiez

Danko, Konstanty 95
Dantzig, glazer in Belvedere Manufactory

Daun, Alfred, sculptor 91
David, Cracow book-binder 26
Dawski, Stanislaw 99, 101
Debicki, Stanislaw, painter and draughts-
man 92
Diana 47

Dittmar family of Poznan clock- and

watchmakers 84
Dhigosz, Jan, historian 19
Dhiski, Kazimierz, physician 90
Dmitri the False, Emperor of Russia 3 2
Dobrowolski, Tadeusz, historian of

art 8

Dobrzycki, Cracow saddler 42
Doesburg, Theo van 93
Dreher, glass cutter and grinder in Na-
liboki 6 2

Drentwett, A., Augsburg goldsmith 66
Drezner, Stanislaw, tent maker 48
Drohojowski family 46
Drost, Jan 101

Drucki-Lubecki, Ksawery, Finance Min-
ister in the Kingdom of Poland 82

Dubicki family of glass decorators in
Naliboki 62

Dusiatyhski, Jan Rudomin, mathema-
tician 67 •

Duszkowski, Jan, goldsmith 49

Dutka, Leszek 101

Dydyhska, Krystyna 93, 94

Dziafyhski family 76

Ekielski, Wladyslaw 88
Elizabeth, Empress of Austria 81
Elizabeth, daughter of Ladislaus the

Short, Queen of Hungary, wife of

Charles Robert 1 5
Elizabeth of Austria, Queen of Poland,

wife of Casimir the Jagiellon 19, 20
Erler, Mikolaj, goldsmith 2 1
Ernst, Max 102

Errard, Johann, author of Fortifi-
catio 66

Estreicher, Karol, historian of art 8
Eve 2 3

Fajkosz, Ewa 99
Fajkosz, Kazimierz 99
Falecka-Szrekinger, Krystyna 96
Federowicz, Wladyslaw, weaver 84
Filsjean, S., head of manufactory pro-
ducing kontush sashes in Kobylka 40
Firlej, Zofia, nee Tarnowska, wife of

Castellan of Lublin 50
Fiszer, royal aide-de-camp 34
Flin, Stefania 99
Flin, Zygmunt 99, 101
Florian, St. 20, 61, /'//. /$
Fraget, Joseph, founder of Warsaw
factory of silver-plated ware 80, 91
Francis Joseph I, Emperor of Austria 7 3
Franciszek, Cracow locksmith 2 2
Frederick Jagiellon, Cardinal 19, 20,21
Fremel, Constantine, active in glass ma-
nufactory at Bielany near Warsaw
and at Crystal-glassworks 61
Friedlein, August, Cracow clockmaker 84
Frycz, Karol 88, 89, 90, ill. 178
Frycz-Modrzewski, Andrzej see Mo-

drzewski, Andrzej Frycz
Frymark-Blaszczyk, Kazimiera 100

Gabo, Naum 93

Gajewski, Antoni, pottery decorator in

Korzec 60
Gajewski, Pawel 93
Gajos, Lucjan 1 o 1
Galkowska, Helena 96, 99, 100
Galkowski, Stefan 96, 99, 100, ill. 198
Gallus Anonymus, chronicler 10, 11, 64
Gawlikowski, Wincenty, goldsmith,

jeweller 81
Gaysler, Hans, clockmaker active in

Cracow 2 2
Gebarowicz, Mieczyslaw, historian of

art 8

Gebethner, Stanislaw, historian of art 8
Gebhard, Balthazar, painter 3 2
Gejsmer, Jan, weaver 84
Gembicki, Piotr, Bishop of Cracow 64,

71, ill. 8;
Gerson, Wojciech, painter 83
Gierke, Jakub, Vilna clockmaker 68
Gh}b, Cracow saddler 42
Glaize, F., French tapestry maker 53
Glixelli, Wladyslaw, Cracow goldsmith


Gloger, Zygmunt, ethnographer, his-
torian 8

Ghichowski, Stefan, Lvov goldsmith 8 1

Gnihski, Jan Trach, Voivode of Po-
merania, envoy sent on a mission to
the Ottoman Porte 36, 52, 66

Golakowska, Wanda 94, ill. 200

Golihski, Stanislaw 87

Gohczyhska, Aleksandra 101

Gorecki, Jozef, founder of metalworks
in Cracow 88, 91