Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Gorski, Stanislaw, Cracow canon 26
Gosieniecki, Wiktor, sculptor 92
Gostomski, Hieronim, Voivode of Poz-
nah 3 2

Goya y Lucientes, Francisco 2 3
Grabinski family of Lvov watchmakers

Gradowski, Michal, historian of art 102
Groblicz, Marcin, Cracow violin-maker

67, ill. 13 6
Grodecka, Julia 94

Groicki, Bartlomiej, Cracow goldsmith
. 49

Gropius, Walter 92
Groppler, Karol, clockmaker 84
Groszyk, Jakub, Cracow goldsmith 49
Grotko Waclaw, goldsmith 70
Grottger, Artur, painter ill. 170
Grunwald, Henryk 94, 97, ill. 192
Grzes'kiewicz, Helena 100
Grzeskiewicz, Lech 100
Gugala-Stolarska, Seweryna 102
Gugenmus, Franciszek, watchmaker 68
Gugenmus, Michal, watchmaker 68
Gugenmus family of clock- and watch-
makers 68, 83
Gutkowska-Rychlewska, Maria, his-
torian of art 8

Habakkuk, prophet 11
Habsburg, German dynasty 20, 32
Hakowski, Jozef, sculptor, engraver 80
Hampel, owner of furniture store in

Warsaw 5 5
Hannibal 23

Hanowicz, Cracow cabinetmaker 78

Hansen, Oskar 102

Harasimowicz, Lvov cabinetmaker 78

Hauwitz, Simon, founder active in Cra-
cow 2 1

Hawranek, physician 87

Hedwig, Saint see Jadwiga (Hedwig),

Helen of Troy 2 3

Henc, Henryk, glass cutter and grinder

in Naliboki 62
Henc, Jan, glass cutter and grinder in

Naliboki 62
Henisz, Krzysztof 100
Henry of Valois, King of Poland 3 5
Hercules 30, 42, 47, 84
Herod 98

Heski, Ksawery Dominik, painter 53,
58, ill. 97

Heurich bothers, Cracow cabinetmakers

Hiacinthus, Saint 6 5

Hillebrandt family of Poznah clock- and
watchmakers 84

Hofelmajer, Ignacy, sabre maker and
gunsmith 7 4

Holl, Johann Gottfried, Gdansk sil-
versmith 57, 66

Homolacs, Karol 88

Horak, Franciszek 97

Horbowy, Zbigniew 101

Hordliczka, Ignacy, founder of glass and

crystal works in the village of Bar-

dz^ca 8 3

Hraymowicz, potter active in Swierzeh

Hryniewiecki, Jerzy, architect 9 5
Husarska, Helena 99, 100
Husarski, Roman 99, 100
Huygens, Christiaan, Dutch scientist 68
Hyzycka, Jadwiga, painter 83

I.C., Cracow book-binder 26
Idzykowski, glazer in Belvedere ma-
nufactory 5 8
Isaiah, prophet 11

Jablonowski, Stanislaw ill. 49

Jablonowski family 60

Jablonski, Adam 97

Jacob the. Bohemian, clockmaker 2 2

Jacquard, Joseph Marie, French weaver

and inventor 84
Jadwiga (Hedwig), Saint 14
Jadwiga (Hedwig), Queen of Poland,

wife of Ladislaus Jagiello 15, 17, 19,


Jagiellon, Polish royal house 14, 15,

16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28
Jagmin, Stanislaw 90, 91, 92, ill. 187
Jahoda, Robert, Cracow book-binder
88, 92

Jakubowicz, Murat, manufacturer of

Turkish-style carpets in Zamosc 24
Jakubowicz, Paschalis, manufacturer of

kontush sashes in Lipkow 40, ill. 69
Jan, Cracow goldsmith 26
Jan of Glogow, professor of Cracow

University 2 2
Janaszowski, Bartlomiej, goldsmith 49
Janicki, Jozef 101
Jankowicz, Cracow saddler 42
Jankowski, Czeslaw Borys, painter,

draughtsman 89
Jarema, Maria, painter 99
Jaroszowic, Krzysztof, goldsmith 49
Jarzewicz, owner of furniture store in

Warsaw 5 5
Jaslikowski, Piotr, goldsmith 49
Jastrzebowska, Halina 92
Jastrzebowski, Wojciech 88, 90, 92,

93, 94, /'//. 188
Jaworkowicz, Mikolaj, Cracow pewterer


Jesus Christ 14, 18, 44, 51, 68, 69
J.L., Cracow book-binder 26
John, Saint 11

John I Albert, King of Poland 2 5, ill. /3
John II Casimir, King of Poland 48,

50, 51, 53, 66, 68
John III (Sobieski), King of Poland 31,

36, 37, 41, 43, 46, 47, 51, 65, 66,

80, 95, ill. 46, 4j
John Albert Vasa, Cardinal, son of

Sigismund III 7 1

Jolm Sigismund Vasa, son of Sigis- 2 59

mund III 7 1
Jordan, Cracow furniture maker 78
Joseph II, Emperor of Austria 5 5
Juno 47

Kadzidlo, Cracow saddler 42

Kamler, Kazimierz 9 5

Kamyn, Erazm, Poznah goldsmith 49

Kandinsky, Vassily 92

Kandler, Johann Joachim, Meissen

modeller 60
Kantor, Tadeusz 99
Kara Mustafa, Grand Vizier 66
Karbowska-Kluziewicz, Janina 99
Karpihska-Kintopf, Halina 93, 94
Karwowski 4 3
Kenar, Antoni 95, 102
Kerper, Franciszek, Cracow pewterer 5 7
Khmelnitsky, Bohdan, Cossack leader 28
Kiedrzyhska-Berbecka, Hanna 94
Kierzkowska, Ada 100
Kierzkowski, Jan 95
Kiezgajllo-Zawisza family 2 3
Kilian, Cracow engraver 26
Kinga, wife of Boleslaus the Bashful 1 3
Kintopf, Lucjan, historian of art 93, 94,


Kirchmayer, Adam 91

Kirchmayer, Franciszka 90

Kitowicz, Jedrzej, diarist 7, 31, 33, 37,
41, 44, 46, 56

Kleitz, Eugeniusz, established factory
producing silver and silver-plated
ware in Cracow 80

Kmita, Piotr, Grand Marshal of Sigis-
mund the Old 20, 21, ill. 23, 169

Kmita family 20

Knothe, Czeslaw 93, 95, 97

Kobielska, Danuta 102

Kobielski, Jacek 102

Kobielski, Szczesny 102

Kochanowski, Jan 19

Kochahski, Adam Adamandy, mathe-
matician 68

Kochowski, Wespazjan Hieronim 3 1, 49

Kocowski, Przemyslaw 93

Kogut, Jozefa 93

Kolaczkowski, Julian, art collector and
researcher 8

Kolberg, Oskar, ethnographer 86

Konicz, Tadeusz 5 3

Koniecpolski, Stanislaw, Hetman, found-
er of silk manufactory in Brody 52,
/'//. 127

Konieczny, Wlodzimierz 88

Konrad, goldsmith 1 2

Kopera, Feliks, historian of art 87

Korabiewski, Aleksander /'//. 13 0

Korecki, Samuel, Prince 5 2

Korycihski, Stefan, Deputy Grand
Chancellor 5 3, ill. j? 6

Koscielecki, Andrzej, Lord High Trea-
surer 5 7

Kosciuszko, Tadeusz 61, 75, 80, 86