Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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260 Kosinski, Jan 101

Kossak, Juliusz, painter 3 1
Kossecka, Wanda 92, 93, 94, 96
Kotarbihska, Julia 94, 99, ill. /99
Kotarbinski, Milosz, painter, draughts-
man 92

Kranz, Jozef, Warsaw clockmaker 83
Kranz family of Warsaw clockmakers

Krasinski, Jan Kazimierz, Lord High

Treasurer 66
Krasinski family 7 6
Kraszewski, Jozef Ignacy 3 1
Kromer, Marcin, chronicler, historian 3 1
Krosz, Jan Gotfryd, Cracow clockmaker

68, 83, ill. i}j
Kruczkowski, Maciej, potter from Swier-

zeh 58

Krukowski, Jozef, Warsaw clockmaker

Krupski, Krzysztof, courtier of Sigis-

mund Augustus 2 3
Krusche, Benjamin, owner of weaving

mill in Pabianice 84
Kruszewski, Aleksander 102
Kruszyhski, Tadeusz, historian of art 8
Krzyczewski 5 3, ill. y 8
Krzywic, Rudolf 94
Ksi^zek, Boleslaw 97, 100
Kublicki, Stanislaw ill. jo
Kulakowska, Maria, tapestry weaver 5 3
Kulka, Lilla 100
Kulon, Jozef, sculptor 97
Kuna, Henryk, sculptor 93
Kunckel von Lowenstern, Johann,

German alchemist 62
Kunzek, Henryk 88
Kupczyk, Bohdan 101
Kurzatkowski, Jan 93, 97, ill. 208
Kwasniowski, Piotr, Cracow goldsmith


Kwiecieh, Ryszard 100

Labourer, Jean 3 5
Lachert, Anna, architect 97
Lachert, Bohdan, architect 93
L^cki, Jan 44

Ladislaus Herman, Prince of Poland

Ladislaus I (the Short), King of Poland

!3> 14. 1 5> 63
Ladislaus II (Jagielio), King of Poland

15, 17, 20, 45, 66

Ladislaus IV (Vasa), King of Poland 3 2,

35> 37- 4i. 57< 66> 67- 71- 4}
Ladislaus, Crown Prince of Poland see

Ladislaus IV
Lang, Georg, Augsburg goldsmith 65
Langno, Balthasar, book-binder active

in Cracow 27
Laszczka, Konstanty, sculptor 91
Laszkiewicz, Maria 100
Le Corbusier 93

Lenart, Bonawentura 88, 92
Lepszy, Leonard, historian of art 8

Lesnowolski, Franciszek, Starost of

Bransk 46
Leszczyhski, Stanislaus see Stanislaus

Levitoux-Swiderska, B. /'//. 20/
Lewicki, Aleksander, founder of faience

factory in Pacykow 91
Lichta, Jan Jakub, clockmaker 68
Lipska-Zworska, Irena 101
Lipski, Tadeusz, Castellan of L^czyca 3 4
Listowski, Stanislaw 95
Litak, Zofia 100
Lizuniec, Maria 100
Lodkiewicz, Maria 100
Loeffler, Leopold, painter 82
Lomnicka-Bujakowa, Maria see Buja-

kowa-Lomnicka, Maria
Lopiehski brothers, Grzegorz and

Ignacy, owners of Warsaw bronze

works 97
Lorenc, Zofia 88
Lorenc, Zygmunt 88
Lorentzen, Christian August, painter

ill. 68

Louis I, King of Hungary and Poland 1 5
Louis IX (Saint Louis), King of France

Louis XIV, King of France 50, 51, 53
Louis XVI, King of France 67, 68, 78,

Louis-Philippe, King of France 78
Lozihski, Wladyslaw, historian 8
Lubiehski, Henryk, founder of pottery

workshop in Lubartow 83
Lubiehski, Wladyslaw, Primate of

Poland 34
Lubikowski, Franciszek, Cracow pew-

terer 5 7

Lubomirska, Krystyna ///. 4/
Lubomirska, Jozefa 81
Lubomirski family 76

Maciej of Miechow, chronicler 29
Maciejowski, Bernard, Cardinal 32
Mackensen, Andreas, Gdansk goldsmith

Madejski, Zygmunt 100

Madzarski, Jan, manufacturer of kontush

sashes in Stuck 40
Madzarski, Leon, manufacturer of

kontush sashes in Shick 40
Magdalena, Saint 16
Mahdi Kuli Beg, Persian envoy 32
Majerski, furniture maker from Prze-

mysl 7 8

Malachowski, Jacek, Grand Chancellor
of the Crown, founder of faience
factory at Cmielow 82

Malachowski, Stanislaw, Speaker of the
Seym 5 o

Malcz, Karol, Warsaw silversmith 80
Malczewski, Jacek, painter ///. 173
Maletowicz, Jozef Gotfryd, Cracow

pewterer 5 7
Malicka-Zamorska, Anna 101

Mahkowski, Tadeusz, historian of art 8,

Mannlich, Heinrich, Augsburg goldsmith

Marciniec, Marcin, Cracow goldsmith

20, 57, ill. 2 0
Maria, Archduchess of Austria 3 2
Maria Josepha, Queen of Poland, wife

of Augustus III 63, ill. /7
Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria 5 5
Marie Casimire, Queen of Poland, wife

of John III 37, 47
Marie Louise de Gonzague, Queen of

Poland, wife of Ladislaus IV 3 5
Mark, Saint 2 3

Markiewiczowa, Anastazja, tapestry
weaver 5 3, ill.

Mary, Saint 11, 14, 17, 18, 38, 41,
44, 51, 67, 69, 74, 75, 80

Marysiehka see Marie Casimire

Maslowski, Franciszek, Cracow ma-
nufacturer of kontush sashes 40, 74

Maslowski family of Poznah clock- and
watchmakers 84

Master of the Four Saints, Cracow
book-binder 2 6

Master of Angels' Heads, Cracow book-
binder 26

Master of Medallions, Cracow book-
binder 26

Master of the D^bno Triptych, painter

Maszkowski, Karol Zyndram, painter 92

Matejko, Jan, painter 80, /'//. 164

Matejko, Stefan 88, 91

Matthew, Saint 2 3

Maur, Bishop of Cracow 1 2

Maurice, Saint 64

Maximilian, Archduke of Austria 3 2

Maximilian II Emmanual, Elector of

Bavaria 6 5
M^cina-Krzeszowska, Maria 90
Mehl, Ewa 101

Mehoffer, Jozef, painter 88, 89, 92
Meissonier, Juste Aurele 69
Meraud, French potter active in Korzec

Mercury 47

Mezer, Francois de, potter in Korzec 60,

Mezer, Konstanty de, potter in Bara-

nowka 8 2
Mezer, Michael de, potter in Korzec 60,

81, 82

Mezer, Seweryn de, potter in Baranowka

Mezer family of potters 60, 82

Michalik, Jan 89, 90

Michael Korybut (Wisniowiecki), King

of Poland 64, /'//. /^
Michelangelo 2 3
Mickiewicz, Adam 3 1, 60
Mickun, Julian 94
Mies van der Rohe, Louis 92
Mieszko I, Prince of Poland 1 o