Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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27. W. B. Denny, "A Group of Silk Islamic Banners." See atso Esin Ati), ed.,
TMrAEAArt, pi. 214.
28. T. Oz, TnrAAA TgxA/gj and VgivgA, EonrtggntA tArongA SAtggntA Cgntnrigs (Ankara,
1950) and TnrA Anmaj vg Aadi/gigrt (Istanbul, 1951). See also O. Aslanapa,
7'MrA.rsA Art and ArcAitgctMrg; R. Ettinghausen, "An Early Ottoman Textile," in
Afr.st Antgrnatina/ fiongrg.s.s 0/ TarAAA Art.s (Ankara, 1961); L. W. Mackie, TAg
^/gndor 0/ TnrAEA Wgaving (Washington, D.C., 1973); Walter Denny, "Tex-
tiles," in Yanni Petsopoulos, ed., TnA^s, AraAg^aes, and 7'arAaw.s.' DgcoraAog Ait.s
/rom tAg Ottoman Em^irg (London, 1982).
It is symptomatic that Denny's piece contains only three sentences devoted
to Hags: "Another ceremonial use of textiles was in the form of banners. Flags,
pennants, and banners of all sorts made in brocaded, applique, and embroi-
dery techniques were in common use in Ottoman society. They accompanied
army detachments, they were used in religious processions, and they appeared
in abundance on festival days" (137).
29. Ox, 7'MrArsA 77xA7g.s, 13.
30. Ibid., 25—26.
31. L. F. Marsigti, ^tato miAiarg dgA7m%7grio cttoma?mo, 2:51 (The Hague, 1732)
(Graz 1972), Kurtoglu, 77r;A /iayrag! og Ay F:AAz, 123; Oz, EnrAEA EgxA/g^, 237.
32. Zygulski, "Studia do dziejow Wawelu," 397—99-
33. Uzungar§]Ii, O^manA dgn/gtinin jaiay tg^Ai/at:, 248.
34. Silahdar Findikh Mehmed Aga, 3AaAdar TariAi (Chronicle of Silahdar), 2 vols.
(Istanbul, 1928). Mehmed Aga (1658-:723) became the sultan's swordbearer
(.sdaArtar) in 1703, and his version was surely identical with the beliefs domi-
nant at the sultan's court at the end ol the seventeenth century. His texts were
translated from Turkish into Polish by Zygmunt Abrahamowicz.
35. ]. Von Hammer-PurgstaH, Gg^cAicAtg dg.s OimandcAgn EgicAgi, 3:35, to vols.,
(Pest, 1827-1835).
36. Uzungar§ih, OsmanA dgrdgtAAn iaray tg^AAat:, 248—49.
37. Ibid., 251. Here also a Polish source is valid concerning the departure of
Sultan Mehmed IV from Istanbul on his way to the military camp in 1678:
"the green banner of Muhammad in the green embroidered case was carried,
having to the left an emir of highest rank in a green turban of great size" (F.
Pufaski, Zrod/a do ^ojgAta'a Jana GninsAiggo, wo/gwody cAg/minjAiggo do Tare/:' w
/atacA 7677 ?' 767^ [Source to the embassy of Jan Gninski. voivode (governor)
of Kuhn to Turkey in the years 1677 and 1678] [Warsaw, 1907], 106—7).
38. Silahdar, VdaAdarTariAi, 12 — 15.
39. N. M. Penzer, TAg AVargm.
40. J. B. Tavernier, A AAa: AMaAoM q/ tAg Anngr Tart q/^ tAg Grand ^gignor'.! SeragAo
(London, 1677).
41. Penzer, TAg AAargm, 248—49.
42. C. White, TArgg Egans in CoMtanttno^/g, 3 vols. (London, 1845).
43. Mouradgea d'Ohsson, TaA/gan ggngra/ dg t'gm^irg Ottoman, 7 vols. (Paris, 1788-
44. Silahdar, .SdaAdar Tarda, 12—15.
