Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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in the Muhammedan eschatology is discussed. Older literature also discusses
the problem: see G. Salzburger, "Die Salomonsage in der semitischen Litera-
tur," ScAri/iew der LcAmws^ad ydr die !Ti.Mg?McAa/i! dcs ^MdcM^/wM 2, 1 (Berlin,
igi2). See also M. Grunwald, "Shield of David," in TAe DwmersaiyewhADwcycio-
jAcdio (New York, 1948), 9:506—7; G. Scholem, "Curieuse histoire de l'etoile a
six branches," RevMe de (a hdw (Paris, 1950), 53.
89. Grunwald, "Shield of David."
90. J. W. Hirschberg, "Judische und christliche Lehren in vor- und fruhislam-
ischen Arabien," Trace ATmis/i OricM^aih^yczwe/ TodAig AAadewiii Dmie/g^wosci 32
(Cracow, 1939): 134.
91. H. Lewy, "The Origin and Significance of the Magen David," ArcAif OrieMia/wi
18 (Prague, i95o):330-65-
92. Arseven,L'AriiMrc, 220.
93. Oz, TarAhA Tex^dei, 3t; T. Mankowski, Oriew^ w^odAie; Aadarzc ar^siyczwe/ (The
Orient in Polish artistic culture) (Wroclaw and Cracow, 1959), 181.
94. Da.s Wiewer DArgcr/aAc ZeMgAam. Historical Museum of the City of Vienna.
Neunte Sonderaustellung, April—May 1962, cat. no. 75, fig. 9.
95. The symbol of Zulhkar is to be found on various Ottoman Hags, inter alia in
the Topkapt Saray Museum in Istanbul, nos. 66 and 448, and on three speci-
mens in the Wawel Castle Collection in Cracow. There is little information on
this sword recorded in the literature. See E. Mittwoch, "Dhu'l-fakar: The
Name of the Famous Sword which Muhanrmed Obtained as Booty in the
Battle of Badr," DMcyciojAcdia 0/" Adam (Leyden and London, 1912), 959. See
also some remarks in the literature on arms: G. Klcmm, ITcrAzeMge Mwd Wa^w
(Leipzig, 1854), 435; M. Jahns, AYaMdAMcA einer GescAicA^e de.s A*riegizcMem vo?:
der Crzed Ah ZMrDewahmwce (Leipzig, 1880), 435; W. Boeheim, HawdAMcA der
Wa^yewAMwde (Leipzig, 1890), passim; F. W. Schwarzlose, Die Wa^ea der adew
AraAer (Leipzig, 1886), 36 and 152. It is hard to Hnd anything revealing.
96. C. Brockelmann, GescAicAie der h/awmcAew Vo'/Aer and Siaaiew (Munich, 1939),
97. Schwarzlose, Die IVa^ew der adew AraAer, 152.
98. Ibid., 13.
99. Klemm, kLerAzeage awd Wa/)^ew, 247.
100. L'Orange, Siadiej ow /coaograjAAy; R. Ghirshman, "Notes iranniennes, 5: Scenes
de banquet sur l'argenteria sassanide," AriiAas Asiae 16 (ig53):5i—76.
tot. "Lam'i, Maqtal-i hazret-i imam Hussein," Czartoryski Library, Cracow, ms.
102. Inter alia, in the Topkapi Saray Museum in Istanbul, the armory of the
Capidimonte Museum in Naples, the Rtistkammer of the Historical Museum
in Dresden, and the armory of the Czartoryski Collection of the National
Museum in Cracow.
103. A beautiful example of Ottoman tuck, with the sultan's tughra, captured at
Vienna in 1683 and preserved in the Czartoryski Armory in Cracow, has
some dragonlike quillions.
