Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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1. A. U. Pope, "Tents," in A Survey opPersian Art, A. U. Pope, ed. (Oxford, 1939),
2. G. Mantendon, Trade d'etAnoiogiecMitMreiis (Paris, 1934), 303—8.
3. J. Miiiter, "Das arabische Zett," BenediAtiniscAe Afowatic/iri/i! (i9i9):68ff.; C. R.
Raswan, Ait pays des tenths noires/ A/oenrs et coninmes de Bedonins (Paris, 1936);
R. Montagne, La civiiisation da desert/ Aomades d'Orient et d'A/f/pne (Paris, 1947).
4. T. Mankowski, "Les tentes orientates et tes tentes potonaises," ToczniA OWentat-
istyczny 22, 1 (Warsaw, i9g7):77—m; S. J. G^siorowski, "La tente orientate du
Musee Czartoryski a Cracovie," Eotia Orientatia 2 (Cracow, i960); Z. Zygutski,
Jr., "Turkish Trophies in Potand and the Imperiat Ottoman Styte"; M. Pi-
wocka, Orientat Tents.
g. L. F. Marsigti, State miiitare dett'imperio Ottomanno, 2:g6—60.
6. P. Connotty, TAe Toman Army (London, 1982), 14.
7. G. Pugachenkova and S. Gitman, TAe Art op Centra/ Asia (Leningrad, 1988),
8. P. A. Andrews, "The White House of Khurasan: The Fett Tents of the Iranian
Yomut and Gokten," /ran 11 (1973), and "The Tents of Timur: An Examina-
tion of Reports on the Quriitay at Samarqand, 1404," in Arts op Eurasian
Steppeiands, P. Denwood, ed. (London, 1977).
9. Andrews, "The White House," gg.
10. S. 1. Rudenko, Entinra nasye/eya gw-nogo Aitaya sAipsAoye uremya (Moscow, igg3).
11. Encyclopedia opWortd Art (London, ig6g), vot. 10, pt. 4g3.
12. "The Anatolian Civitizations," Eighteenth European Art Exhibition of the
Councit of Europe (Istanbu), May-October 1983).
13. Cenap Qiiriik and Ersin (Jicekqiter, OrneAteriyte TiirA (Jadirtan.
14. Nurhan Atasoy, unpubtished paper on Ottoman tents presented at the Eighth
Internationai Congress of Turkish Art (Cairo, 1987).
lg. Giiruk and Giqekqiier, OrneAtenyte TnrA Cad/rtar:, g.
16. J. Sobieski, Eisty do A/arysienAi (Letters to the Queen Marysienka) (Warsaw,
1962), g20—21.
17. }erzy Szablowski, ed., Coiiections op tAe Toyat Castie op Wawei (Warsaw, ig7g),
nos. 23g-237.
18. G^siorowski, "La tente orientate du Musee Czartoryski a Cracovie."
19. R. Waissenberger, ed.. Die TtirAen vor Wien.' Earopa and die EntscAeidnng an der
DonaMrd^y, cat. no. ii/2i,p. 104.
20. P. Jaeckei, "Von tiirkischem Heerwesen und Heeriager," in OsmaniscAe-TnrA-
iscAes EnnstAandwerA ans snddentscAen Sammtnngen/ Eataicg znr AMsstettnng im
BayeriscAenArmeemnsenm/ngotstadt (Munich, 1979), 24—2g.
21. There is, for example, an interesting tent canopy in the coiiection of the
Genera! Sikorski Institute and Museum in London.
22. G. Feher, TnrAiscAe A/iniatnren ans den CAroniAen der nngariscAen Eetdznge, pf 16.
See Topkapi Saray Library, H.ig24-
23. Chtebowski, informed about the Ottoman customs, tried to be correct in his
