Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Dz'uaw AGrAa, type of caftan, 118
Dzvawz, calligraphic style, 37
Draca. Sgg Dragon in Subject Index
PzPan, inner garment, 1 )8
PrAaa-z Az'zrA, type of caftan, 118
AT/adz, fabric, 15
Pzrmaw, royal edict, 16
Gowz/gA, shirt. 1 i8
AAazAztA, traditions of the Prophet, 34
AAaAzy, Turkish Hag, 10
AAay/zzgAAgAAgrPayz, guild leader, 160
AAgtzzzarz, Polish miiitary teader, 91,
AAz/aP, ceremoniat caftans, 117, 121
AAz? Aa-z ^grz/" 0&M2, 21
/A/zzw, climate or sphere of earth, 24
Jz/zad, holy war, 48
AcazAz/g, velvet, 121
Afa/ta?:, caftan, 117—127
A*a//awcf, guardian of caftans, 117
Pa/Aauz, turban, 111
AvaMMM-t Agjrz/ai, law of ceremonies,
Acapawz^a, large mantle, 125, 127
A'a/ja/ayar;, guardian of the furs,
Aia^iAa/M, cavalry, 29
AfauMA, inner cap, 107
Afgwzgr, metal belt set, 118
PgzzzAa, brocade, 121
PAMM/zzzA-z izpg/zr-z MMAzzwzoai, the sun
in the firmament of prophecy, 59
AfPiar /Iga.sz, inspecter of the Holy
Cities, 21
Pz'/AAzyg, complex foundations of sul-
tans, xii
AfargAzaas, tombs, 157
AfajaA, sash, 118

A.Hca4a-.sa7//Aa, Hag of good fortune,
Gzazaj-z .sM/tanz, sultan's standard, 24
Go S/za, Chinese magic square, 36,
AAaggzz DauzzA. See Shield of David in
Subject Index
AAaaipM/Mi, early Roman military
sign, 3
AAap^a, Byzantine handkerchief. 127
AAzv/?'g.s.sg, school, 37
AAg/zZgr, military band, 96
Alg/zigr/zang, tent depository, 160
AAg/zAgrAawg-z Awzz'rg AVajzrz, minister of
tentmakers, 160
AAgAAgrAazz-z AAaywzg CgmaaAz, guild,
AAg^A, shoes, 118
AAz'zzzAar, pulpit, 22
AAMggwgzg, turban, 1 11
AAMzAra, Buddha with hand stretched
out, 51
AA;z/zr-z SAiAcywaw. .S'gg Soloman's Seal
in Subject Index
AAMua/z/zzzAz, turban, 111
AVtz^A/zz, calligraphic style, 37
AVa^r, eagle or vulture, 55
Nayar/z'A, amulet, 41
Ot/j turban. 1 1 1
Orag-z AAawtayMK, royal tent, 160,
171, 173, 175 n.23
Paja/z AauaA, pasha's headgear, 111,
Pgrz czwz, angels, 129
P/za/grag, round metal tnedallions, 3
P/zaaar, ship's lantern, 13
PAzzuzaAg, cope, 123
Pzz/gA, Muhammad's Hag, 9
PzAa, calligraphic style, 37
Poc, giant bird. 113
